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Call for papers and announcement on White LEDs-07

First International Conference on White LEDs and Solid State Lighting

Le Meridien Pacific Tokyo (Hotel Pacific Tokyo)

November 26(Monday)-30(Friday), 2007


Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 27th June,2007
  • Notification of acceptance: 6th August,2007
  • Early registration deadline: (30th September,2007) 9th October, 2007
  • Proceedings submission deadline: (3rd October,2007) 10th October, 2007


This is the first international conference on white LED lighting technologies in Japan. Japan is active both commercially and academically in the development of white LEDs for lighting and illumination. However, SSL lacks the important scientific background of lighting source technologies because white LEDs have been created by semiconductor devices and luminescent materials. This conference will give not only some exchange ideas and views on technical problems and advices in white LED lighting system and design, but also intimate academic exchange among conference participants.

Scope and Topics:

The conference (White LEDs-07) will cover all aspects of fundamental and applied research on white LEDs and SSL. The aims of the conference is to provide a forum to discuss in a stimulating and informed atmosphere those subjects which are of common interest for scientists, engineers and designers working on white LEDs and SSL, and related areas. The conference will arrange both oral and poster sessions.


The proceedings of white LEDs-07 will be published as a special issue of The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan and will be distributed at the conference. The excellent papers are strongly recommended for the publication in its regular journal by program committee.
The deadline for submission of conference proceedings is due 3rd October, 2007. Details of instructions for preparation of the proceedings are given in our website.

EXHIBITION and Sponsorship:

A vendor's exhibition is held on 28th(Wed) and 29th(Thu) November,2007 during the conference.
Exhibition is free of charge. Detail information is given at the website of laser focus world japan.

Conference chair

Tsunemasa Taguchi (Yamaguchi Univ.)

Conference vice-chairs

Hiroshi Amano (Meijo Univ.), and Ian T. Ferguson (GIT, USA)

Conference Office:

In case you have any inquiry or desire to put your name on our mailing list,
please e-mail to the conference secretariat: wleds07@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp

Sponsored by

  • The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
  • Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in the 2007 fiscal year

Cosponsored by

  • The 125th Research Committee on Mutual Conversation between Light and Electricity, and The 162th Research Committee on Wide gap Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • Japan LED Association (JLEDS)
  • Foundation for the Advancement of the Science and Technology of Light Source (FAST-LS, UK)

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