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  • Call for Papers: Lux Pacifica 2015 Kolkata, India 27-29 November

Call for Papers: Lux Pacifica 2015 Kolkata, India 27-29 November

  • Lux Pacifica is an association of lighting societies of North America (USA, Canada & Mexico), Australia and New Zealand, China, Japan, Thailand, South Africa, Russia, India, Taipei, Korea and Vietnam. Lux Pacifica will hold a mid-term conference in Kolkata (Calcutta), India 27-29 November 2015. This will take place in conjunction with Light India International 2015, Lii trade show.

Host society:

Indian Society of Lighting Engineers (ISLE)


Hotel ITC Sonar(http://www.itchotels.in/hotels/itcsonar.aspx)



Important Dates(Latest schedule):

Deadline of Abstract Submission: July 20, 2015
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: July 23, 2015
Deadline for full paper submission: July 27, 2015
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: July 29, 2015


  1. Right Lighting and Energy Efficiency
  2. Energy efficient Light sources
  3. Interior and exterior applications
  4. Light Measurements and standards

Abstract and Paper:

The guideline is shown on the followings in “http://www.luxpacifica2015.com”: “Invitation to Rhythm of Light” and “Template for Inviting Papers for Lux Pacifica 2015”

  1. Abstract should be submitted by email only to: Luxpacifica2015@Lii.co.in The format should be PDF or MS WORD in English within around 250 words accommodated in a single A4 page in 10 pts Arial font.
  2. It is advised to write your paper in less than 1000 words. Papers should be limited to 4 printed A4 pages as per template given.

Presentation Category:

Abstract of technical papers will be considered for Oral or Poster presentation by the Technical selection Committee of Lux Pacifica 2015.

Registration fees:


The information revised on Japanese language about Lux Pacifica 2013 has been already published in the home page of IEIJ (http://www.ieij.or.jp/event/2015/2015call-for-Lux.html). For related news, look at the website: http://www.luxpacifica.org/

