The 15th Asia Lighting Conference (ALC2024) in Seoul, Korea.

In 2024, Asian Lighting Conference (ALC) will be held in Sejong University, Seoul, Korea.
ALC is an international conference aimed at promoting academic exchange and technological innovation through discussion and learning among researchers, technology developers and students who are engaged in lighting in Asia. The details are shown below, so please consider participating and making a presentation.

  • Date: August 22nd and 23rd, 2024
  • Theme of ALC2024: Future of Lighting beyond Smart Technology
  • Venue:

    Convention Hall, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

  • Registration fees:
    General Registration 230 USD
    Student Registration 120 USD
    Accompanying attendees 140 USD
  • Types of Presentation:

    Keynote speech
    Invited speech
    Oral presentation (15 min each)
    Short oral presentation (5 min each)
    Poster presentation

  • Awards:

    Best paper awards
    Best student awards
    Innovation product awards

  • Important date:

    Abstract registration deadline: May 10, 2024 extended to May 24, 2024
    Acceptance and full paper preparation notice: May 17, 2024 extended to May 31, 2024
    Full paper submission: June 7, 2024 extended to June 21, 2024

  • Abstract and Paper submission method:

    Abstracts and full paper must be submitted electronically through the submission system.
    [Submit Now]
    You need an EasyChair account. If you do not have an account, click the link below and create one.
    How to create an EasyChair account is here(pdf).

Other information will be announced as soon as the details are decided.