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Papers Presented at 2013 Annual Conference of IEIJ, September 5 - 7


Thursday 5th to Saturday 7th, September 2013


NagoyaUniversity, Higashiyama campus
Furocho Chikusa-ku Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan


Thursday 5, 9:00-12:00

General sessions

(1) Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8-1~5)
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiation Measurement
(Paper No. 11-1) at Room IB011
(2) Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8-6~11)
LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9-1) at Room IB013
(3) Lighting Planning
(Paper No. 5-1~7) at Room IB014
(4) LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9-2~7)at Room IB015
(5) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiation Mesurement
(Paper No. 11- 2~7)
Application of Light Radiation
(Paper No. 12-1)
New Fields Related to the Application of Light
(Paper No. 13-1~2) at Room ES033
(6) Practice of Lighting
(Paper No. 6-1~9) at Room ES021
Friday 6, 9:00-10:00

Poster sessions

(1) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon [1] related to Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps
(Paper No. 1-1~2)
Illuminating Theory
(Paper No. 4-1~2)
Light-related Materials, Devices and Displays
(Paper No. 10-1~8) at Room IB011
(2) Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8-12~21)
LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9-8~9)
New Fields Related to the Application of Light
(Paper No. 13-3) at Room IB013
(3) Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8 -22~30)
LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9-10~13) at Room IB013
(4) LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9-14~20) at Room IB015
(5) Application of Light Radiation
(Paper No. 12- 2)
New Fields Related to the Application of Light
(Paper No. 13-4~7)
Practice of Lighting
(Paper No. 6-10~14) at Room ES033
(6) Lighting Planning (Interior lighting)
(Paper No. 5- 8~16)
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiation Measurement
(Paper No. 11- 8)
Lighting Design
(Paper No. 7- 1~2) at Room ES021
Saturday 7, 9:00-11:40

General sessions

(1) Lighting Planning (Interior Lighting)
(Paper No. 5- 17~21)
Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8- 31~32) at Room IB011
(2) Lighting Planning (Interior Lighting )
(Paper No.5- 22~28) at Room IB013
(3) Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8- 33~38)
LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9- 21) at Room IB014
(4) LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9- 22~25)
Illuminating Appliances
(Paper No. 3- 1)
Practice of Lighting
(Paper No. 6- 15~18) at Room IB015
(5) Research and Educational Grants
(Paper No. 14- 1~4)
(6) LED Lighting
(Paper No. 9- 26~32)
Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology
(Paper No. 8- 39)

Papers presented

Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon [1] related to Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps:

01-01 Recovery of green phosphor LaPO4:Ce,Tb, from waste phosphor and characterization of the recovered LaPO4,Ce,Tb
Masaru Yamashita, Tomoko Akai and Tatsuya Oki

01-02 Simulation model of voltage-current characteristics of the barrier type lamp filled with Hg-Ar gas mixture.
Ryosuke Imada, Tomohiro Yamaguchi and Yoshio Watanabe

Illuminating Appliances:

03-01 An examination of a luminaire using laser diodes
Yoshiaki Matsuba, Atsushi Heike and Naoki Tsutsui

Illuminating Theory:

04-01 A Study on the diffuse efficiency of fractal form sunshade
Masaya Haruta, Hirotaka Suzuki and Atsushi Takizawa

04-02 A Study on evaluation of daylighting system with oblique pyramid skylight
Hirofumi Hijikata, Shotaro Suga, Norio Igawa, Hirotaka Suzuki and Atsushi Takizawa

Lighting Planning:

05-01 Study on construction of store illumination system in view of purchasing power
Hiroki Fujita, Masaaki Oota, Yohei Sanae, Risa Iwaki, Mamoru Takamatsu and Yoshio Nakashima

05-02 Basic study on the features of scene viewed from CENTRAM-TRAIN window
Jia Chen, Lin Ma, Yoshio Nakashima and Mamoru Takamatsu

05-03 The lighting plan for promotes evacuation at the height from tsunami at night part1
Masahide Kakudate, Kaho Wakayama, Naoto Nakajima and Arata Endo

05-04 The lighting plan for promotes evacuation at the height from tsunami at night part2
Kaho Wakayama, Masahide Kakudate, Naoto Nakajima and Arata Endo

05-05 Mapping Database of electrisity wastage through upward flux
Daisuke Ito, Yusuke Tsuyuki, Toshie Iwata and Kenta Tsuda

05-06 The road surface luminance measurements using the imaging photometry
Yohei Takahashi, Tomokazu Hagio and Tsuyoshi Sugawara

05-07 All direction GR measurement using a fish-eye lens
Kosuke Oshima and Tetuji Yamada

05-08 Effect of the lighting method considering background luminance on performance
Nagisa Ide, Yoko Noguchi and Tomoko Kotani

05-09 Perception of brightness change under task and ambient lighting In view of the luminance distribution of the spatial
Haruka Suzuki and Jun Munakata

05-10 Study on illuminance balance between working area and ambient (Part5) The allowed task illuminance on each lighting and the adjustment speed in Task and Ambient Lighting
Nobuyo Matsui and Youko Inoue

05-11 Improvement of the silhouette phenomenon using ceiling louver in daylighting environment Examination on the assumption of passing each other in a passage
Naoki Itou and Ken Anai

05-12 Simulation of energy saving by ambient daylighting reflected on ceiling
Koto Mihashi and Toshie Iwata

05-13 The actual conditions of impaired visibility in the daily life -The questionnaire for the young women-
Takako Ueno, Yoko Ikegami and Youko Inoue

05-14 Influence of difference of color temperature in effect conspicuity in store
Tomoe Murata and Yoshinori Saito

05-15 Study on the optimum color temperature for the Japanese style garden in four seasons
Lin Ma, Jia Chen, Mamoru Takamatsu and Yoshio Nakashima

05-16 Visualization of the light environment of the street space that target Shibuya, Akasaka, and Sugamo
Keisuke Kudo

05-17 Development of daylighting system and lighting plan in the church Part.1 Outline of the architecture, the daylighting system and lighting plan
Keiko Sugawara, Maki Ichihara, Mutsumi Yokoi, Tomoyuki Watanabe, Seiichi Kinoshita, Shinichi Kouda, Izuru Yamamoto and Hikalu Kobayashi

05-18 Development of daylighting system & lighting plan in the church Part.2 A study of daylighting using numerical simulation and experimental model, and field measurement results
Maki Ichihara, Keiko Sugawara, Mutsumi Yokoi, Tomoyuki Watanabe, Seiichi Kinoshita, Shinichi Kouda, Izuru Yamamoto and Hikalu Kobayashi

05-19 Optimal design method of sizes for daylighting device Part1 Case of low-height horizontal light-tube
Ohyama Yoshie and Saitoh Masafumi

05-20 A survey on actual condition of the residential lighting environment in Japan (Part 3) Satisfaction and spatial evaluation with illuminance at various acts
Michiko Kunishima, Youko Inoue, Masako Miyamoto, Tomoko Iwata and Youko Ikegami

05-21 Study on evaluation method of the relaxation effects by lighting
Youko Inoue, Ayano Nishigaki, Ayako Tsukitani and Kazuhiro Htta

05-22 Study on lighting control system improving both brightness and energy efficiency Part1 Light environment control based on brightness images and measurement of power
Yoshikane Kojima, Chikako Ohki, Yoshiki Nakamura and Sueko Kanaya

05-23 Study on lighting control system improving both brightness and energy efficiency Part2 Evaluation of lighting environment controlled based on brightness images
Chikako Ohki, Yoshikane Kojima, Chikako Yabe, Yoshiki Nakamura and Sueko Kanaya

05-24 Future considerations for brightness control using see-through light panel
Katsuhiko Sakata

05-25 Influence on evaluation of visual environment of conditions of curtain and illuminance in an actual office
Masami Kono, Mika Kato and Naoya Hara

05-26 Evaluation of the lighting environment with sequential radio controlled LED luminaires Etsuko Mochizuki, Chieko Ishii, Yukitada Murae, Kazuhiro Mori, Hiroyuki Niwa and Kazutaka Yagishita

05-27 A preliminary study on the relationship between transition of daylight and Space Brightness
Risa Nakao, Yoshiki Nakamura and Mutsuo Honma

05-28 Reporting of findings obtained from lighting environmental planning and operation of advanced energy saving building
Mutsuo Honma, Yoshiki Nakamura, Risa Nakao and Katsuhiro Sakaguchi

Practice of Lighting:

06-01 Impression of space illuminated by light duct with high performance keeping spectral power distribution
Toshie Iwata, Tomoya Hirai, Takeru Takahashi, Misaki Tanoue, Koichi Kaiho, Naoko Shinohara and Risa Nakao

06-02 A survey on actual condition of the residential lighting environment in Japan (Part 2) Use of LED lighting and lighting knowledge
Tomoko Iwata, Youko Inoue, Yoko Ikegami, Masako Miyamoto and Michiko Kunishima

06-03 A survey on actual condition of the residential lighting environment in Japan (Part 2) Actual condition of artificial lighting used in the living room
Masako Miyamoto, Youko Inoue, Michiko Kunishima, Tomoko Iwata and Yoko Ikegami

06-04 Lighting facilities for Osaka Gyoumeikan Hospital
Tomoya Kubo and Taisuke Ueda

06-05 Ilumination of the Toyokawa Municipal Hospital
Takuya Kishimoto and Masaya Watanabe

06-06 Field survey on lighting enviroment in stations Study of movement facilitation of elderly and low vision. Part 1
Toru Kitano, Shunsuke Kohko, Daisuke Sawada, Sumito Kohno and Kanji Katoh

Yoshimi Kushima, Takashi Yamada, Yuichiro Sugie, Susumu Hayashi and Akihiro Asano

06-08 Planning of bank lighting achieving a good balance between comfort and energy saving
Muneatsu Yazawa, Naoyo Nomura and Hiromitsu Yachi

06-09 The Innovative Lighting Design for NICU and GCU Part 1 : Lighting Design for Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital No.1Ward, NICU/GCU
Hiroyasu Shoji and Aya Saito

06-10 The Innovative Lighting Design for NICU and GCU -Part 2: Lighting Environment Survay of NICU/GCU Before and After Renovation
Takaaki Yokokawa, Nozomu Yoshizawa, Hiroyasu Shoji and Taihei Tanaka

06-11 Change in electricity saving measures in office spaces in the Kanto area due to the effects of the Great East Japan Earth quake and occupants �evaluation on the lighting environment
Etsuko Mochizuki, Nozomu Yoshizawa, Masami Kouno and Toshie Iwata

06-12 Study on visibility of object in tunnel The relation between uniformity and average road luminance
Takashi Sugawara, Hiroyuki Matushima, Yusuke Onuki, Tomokazu Hagio, Motohisa Sato, Hayato Ito, Tomoharu Ishikawa and Miyoshi Ayama

06-13 Fundamental study for reexamining street lighting environment -The relation about illumination and visibility-
Ryutaro Matsumoto and Toshiaki Khin

06-14 Effects on the lighting environment by control with personal lighting switch system
Daisuke Oikawa, Etsuko Mochizuki, Jeongsoo Kim, Kouichi Iida and Hirokazu Tashiro

06-15 Visibility of road lighting in consideration of vehicle headlamps
Yoshinori Karasawa and Satoshi Hirakawa

06-16 Visibility evaluation during fusion of tunnel lighting and vehicle headlamps
Satoshi Hirakawa, Masaaki Hayakawa, Yoshinori Karasawa, Akio Okada, Tsuyoshi Funaki and Yukinobu Yoshida

06-17 Influence on the visibility of the obstacles by the tunnel lighting system
Tomokazu Hagio, Takemi Uruno, Hayato Ito and Satoshi Hirakawa

Lighting Design:

07-01 Characteristics and classification of artificial lights from the viewpoint of design expression
Tetsumi Horikoshi and Satomi Kato

07-02 Evaluation on lighting conditions based on psychological and physiological responses
Naoshi Kakitsuba, Sumin Li and Tetsuo Katsuura

Visual Perception Psychology, Visual Perception Physiology:

08-01 Uniformity evalution of the stimulus with luminance gradient for OLED lighting panel
Yuki Kawashima, Yuki Nikaido, Yasuki Yamauchi, Masakatsu Hirasawa and Takehiro Nagai

08-02 Improvement of visual attention by background noise
Motoharu Takao, Takumi Umemoto and Hiroaki Miyajima

08-03 Visual characteristics of colored LED light in dense fog
Jiaqi Bi, Hiroshi Terakawa, Kenji Tada, Mamoru Takamatsu and Yoshio Nakashimai

08-04 Effects of light color of illumination on legibility of characters
Yoko Matsubayashi, Takashi Saitou and Kenji Mukai

08-05 Study on barrier-free LCD display with consideration for the vision of the elderly
Wenkuo Hao, Hiroki Fujita, Yoshio Nakashima and Mamoru Takamatsu

08-06 Effects of light wavelengths on cortical activity during a working memory task
Yosuke Okamoto and Seiji Nakagawa

08-07 Effects of spectral distribution pattern on the psychophysiological states during working tasks comparison among broad spectral distribution LED, bimodal spectral distribution LED, and three-band fluorescent lamp
Hiroko Sawai, Ryouichi Furukawa, Yasuharu Ishii, Gaku Inou, Eri Matsuda and Emi Koyama

08-08 Melanopsin contribution to brightness perception
Seiichi Tsujimura and Katsunori Okajima

08-09 Effects of color on the hormonal secretion the difference in the response of HPA and SAM systems
Shusaku Nomura, Koichi Ito and Masako Ohira

08-10 Surrounding high-luminance source effect on peripheral adaptation in mesopic range
Tatsukiyo Uchida and Yoshi Ohno

08-11 The predominancy of the visual fanction with a light reflector in road light
Hiroyuki Satou, Saeko Uchida, Hiroshi Okada, Kyouzou Watanabe and Nobuhisa Naoi

08-12 Effects of luminance on visual motion prediction
Hiroaki Miyajima and Motoharu Takao

08-13 Discomfort glare from brake lamps in patients with migraine
Naoko Kajiyama, Muneto Tatsumoto, Tetsuya Eda, Shoko Kaneko, Shoji Kobayashi, Miyoshi Ayama and Koichi Hirata

08-14 Basic study on visibility of transparent type noise reduction wall of highway
Kouyou Okada, Eiichiro Momma, Satoshi Kurumi, Kaoru Suzuki and Takashi Ono

08-15 The improvement of awakening quality by using dawn simulation with LEDs
Saori Fujita, Akifumi Makiguchi, Yukio Akashi, Shinji Andou, Hiroshi Yamada, Shinsuke Inoue and Chiho Kubo

08-16 Reducing effects on light induced melatonin suppresion to different light intensity at daytime
Keisuke Hatae, Ayaka Kubokawa and Tomoaki Kozaki

08-17 Effects of the lighting environment in the daytime and that in the night time on sleeping quality
Chieko Ishii and Etsuko Mochizuki

08-18 The effect of local adaptation luminance on visual performance at a mesopic light level
Kyota Morimoto, Koichi Tanaka and Yukio Akashi

08-19 The influence of work load of a central vision on the Purkinje Phenomenon.
Masaya Iihoshi, Akira Kitagawa, Yukio Akashi and Yoshinori Karasawa

08-20 An LED-ambient lighting system for neurophysiological studies in free moving mouse
Tomohiro Nishiaki, Tetsuya Myochinn, Yuuma Sakamoto, Yasuko Koga and Motoharu Takao

08-21 Study on the Integration of Disability Glare into Visibility Image
Yoko Kato and Yoshiki Nakamura

08-22 Brightness perception throughout the entire visual field
Tasuku Watanuki, Takashi Irikura and Hiroshi Takahashi

08-23 Reserch on effect of the hue of lighting -In full colored LED light source-
Atsushi Koshisaka, Hiroki Fujita, Mamoru Takamatsu and Yoshio Nakashima

08-24 Preferred skin color feeling of face images with makeup
Hyejin Han and Takayoshi Fuchida

08-25 Effects of the area of the light source on the impression of space -Comparison of OLED and LED-
Ryoichi Yokoyama, Yuki Kawashima, Takehiro Nagai, Yasuki Yamauchi and Taiichiro Ishida

08-26 Study on the comfortable lighting in consideration of changing the visual performance with age Suitable condition of illuminance for acts in daily life, allowed adjustment speed of illuminance and correlated color temperature
Yuki Oe and Youko Inoue

08-27 Comfortable indoor lighting conditions
Keita Mizuno, Naoshi Kakitsuba and Tetsuo Katsuura

08-28 Comparison of an organic electro luminescent task light with conventional lights under ambient lighting Through spectral irradiance and subjective evaluations
Kei Wakamatsu and Takuya Oshima

08-29 Basic study on the impression of luminous ceiling space
Ayaka Imamura, Mayuko Kii and Jun Munakata

08-30 Study on blind and daylighting control to reflect changes in natural light environment Influence of the daylighting system on indoor lighting enviroment
Katsuki Izumi, Takashi Inoue, Masayuki Itinose, Ryo Akaike and Daiki Iwasaki

08-31 Control of residential lighting to minimize ELFC Part 1 Experiment and expression of energy-efficiency
Yoshiki Nakamura, Susumu Sugano, Etsuko Mochizuki, Minami Hiyoshi and Sueko Kanaya

08-32 Control of residential lighting to minimize ELFC, part 2 Simulation and lighting control.
Susumu Sugano, Yoshiki Nakamura, Yoko Kato and Sueko Kanaya

08-33 Difference of space brightness with apparent lightness
Hideki Yamaguchi, Yudai Nagamatsu, Nozomu Yoshizawa, Mika Kato and Yasuhiro Miki

08-34 Study on physiological indexes to evaluate comfort of lighting environment
Seiichi Kashihara, Susumu Sugano, Etsuko Mochizuki, Chieko Ishii and Yoshiki Nakamura

08-35 The improvement of light environment in the rest facilities for train drivers
Taku Senda, Kouichi Fukuma and Mitsuo Hayashi

08-36 A influence of spectral characteristics on discomfort glare
Toshihiro Toyota, Takaaki Suzuki, Wataru Shichi, Takashi Funai and Tsuyoshi Mano

08-37 Development of evaluation for discomfort glare in LED lighting of indoor work place Comparison of discomfort glare in young and elderly subjects
Hirokuni Higashi, Shota Koga and Tomoko Kotani

08-38 The study on evaluation method of disability glare using the luminance map
Tetsuji Yamada, Shunsuke Kohko and Yoshiki Nakamura

08-39 Light sources which show the color of plants attractively Optimization of color quality based on feeling of contrast index
Ayako Tsukitani and Takashi Saito

LED Lighting:

09-01 Discomfort glare evaluation of the LED tunnel lighting fixtures
Kazuko Nakadake, Toshihide Mori and Hayato Ito

09-02 Research of the CLMS LED superior in color uniformity Structure of the LED package and color uniformity
Tomoyuki Ohno, Yasuaki Tsutsumi and Hisayoshi Daicho

09-03 Research(2) of the CLMS LED superior in color uniformity Performance of CLMS LED
Yasuaki Tsutsumi, Tomoyuki Ohno and Hisayoshi Daicho

09-04 Development of road traffic signal lamp using LED
Makoto Miyauchi, Kazutaka Hongou, Naoyuki Shintou, Jeffrey Hsieh and Seiichi Serikawa

09-05 Development of 100 Watt-Equivalent LED Bulb
Akiko Iizuka and Norio Nakazato

09-06 Development of the mini krypton bulb shaped LED lamp equipped with a light guide lens
Hiroshi Takenaga, Yoshihiro Aonami and Katsuyuki Kobayashi

09-07 Development of LED unit flat type substitution the circular fluorescent lamp 30 type
Yoshiyuki Tamaki and Junichi Kimiya

09-08 Preferable lighting conditions for migraineurs in relaxing room
Akari Kagimoto, Shino Okuda, Muneto Tatsumoto, Katsunori Okajima and Koichi Hirata

09-09 Change in the secretion of salivary melatonin while asleep by exposure to LED lighting
Masako Ohira, Yoshimune Kato, Kazumichi Suguri and Shusaku Nomura

09-10 Lighting conditions for visual palatability of dishes.
Hiroko Eguchi and Shino Okuda

09-11 The study of museum lighting: the optimum lighting and color environment
Yuki Nakajima and Takayoshi Fuchida

09-12 Indirect lighting for effective rendering boundary region of dynamic images
Makoto Shimizu, Takao Jinno and Shigeru Kuriyama

09-13 Development of evaluation for discomfort glare in LED lighting of indoor work place Verification of applicability of n-G-classification
Shota Koga, Hirokuni Higashi and Tomoko Kotani

09-14 A research on an LED lamp using a dye containing filter
Sachiko Doi, Satoru Yamauchi, Kazuki Watanabe, Ikuko Aoki and Shumpei Fuji

09-15 A report on optimum design for heat sink of high-power LED floodlight
Koichi Inoue and Yasuhiko Tanaka

09-16 Acceptable dimmer control range for white light source composed of RYGB-LED
Mizuki Nagasaki and Katsuhide Misono

09-17 Interactive dimming by considering external light using high dynamic range images
Katsura Iwamoto, Shigeru Kuriyama and Takao Jinno

09-18 Autonomous dimming system by using led lighting with illuminance sensor
Ryuta Jin and Shigeru Kuriyama

09-19 Evaluation of various LED bulbs
Jinya Yamaura and Hiroo Aoki

09-20 Development of full color LED display with sensor functions
Takaya Ozaki, Patrik Ernst and Tatsuo Hasegawa

09-21 LED lighting and color temperature adjustments for Aichi Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Kariya Sales Office
Mika Nishi

09-22 Controlling luminosity of LED by binary diffracive concave lens and the application to LED lighting
Atsushi Motogaito, Kouji Inoue, Hideto Miyake, Kazumasa Hiramatsu and Hiroyuki Yoshino

09-23 PRO-BEAM tunnel illumination of high luminance uniformity using LEDs
Masayoshi Kimura, Masaaki Hayakawa, Hirohito Uchino, Hideki Motomura and Masafumi Jinno

09-24 Development of LED SPOTLIGHT FOR JOCONDA at Louvre Museum
Kenji Koike, Naoto Tokuhara and Takayoshi Moriyama

09-25 The effect of low energy light bulb on the thermal load reduction
Hiroshi Nakayama, Youichi Miyaoka, Manabu Oonishi and Masafumi Hirota

09-26 Practicable color-barrier-free illumination
Shigeharu Tamura

09-27 Developing a new LED luminaire for improved color appearance (2)
Toshihide Iwanaga, Hirotaka Nakamura, Shigeru Ichihara, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Akio Shimokawa and Masami Ishihara

09-28 Subjective evaluation of color rendering properties of LED illumination by comparative assessment(part3)
Shinji Kobayashi, Hitoshi Komatsubara, Nobuyuki Nasuno, Takayoshi Fuchida and Kenjiro Hashimoto

09-29 A study of color rendering properties of LED lighting based on color preference Relationship between preference and colorimetric values of samples
Yoshie Imai, Tomoko Kotani and Takayoshi Fuchida

09-30 Identification of spectral composition correlated to evaluation using principal component analysis.
Chiho Kubo, Kazuo Yamaba and Miyoshi Ayama

09-31 Evaluation to low color temperature LED plaza illuminator
Shinichi Kitamura, Hisaki Itsuki, Hirofumi Nitta and Shohei Okuda

09-32 Consideration on white LED and blue light effect (1)
Optical radiation in blue light region of white LED
Fusao Hoshino, Fumiko Ito and Kohtaro Kohmoto

Light-related Materials, Devices and Displays:

10-01 Fabrication of silicon nano particles by wet process
Shun Kitazawa, Kenji Hirakuri, Keisuke Sato, Naoki Fukata, Kouki Fujioka, Sanshiro Hanada and Kenji Yamamoto

10-02 Characteristic of luminescent silicon nanoparticles coupled with alkyl group
Ryoko Suzuki, Keisuke Sato, Kenji Hirakuri, Kouki Fujioka, Yoshinobu Manome, Naoki Fukata and Sanshiro Hanada

10-03 Fabrication of UV light-emitting-diode by using n-ZnO nanowires and p-GaN film
Norihiro Tetsuyama, Toshinobu Tanaka, Daisuke Nakamura, Mitsuhiro Higashihata and Tatsuo Okada

10-04 Photoluminescence characterization of vanadates phosphors (Zn,Cs)
Tingting Li, Zentaro Hoda, Takeshi Fukuda, Jiaolian Luo and Norihiko Kamata

10-05 Investigation on deterioration conditions of a LED after acceleration test
Hiromasa Ohara, Hiroyuki Azuma, Toshiro Kasuya, Motoi Wada and Shigeo Gotoh

10-06 Effect of N2 partial pressure on discharge properties of RF magnetron sputtered MgO thin films
Takayuki Misu, Hikaru Nakayama, Masahiko Murakami, Miki Goto and Toshihiko Arai

10-07 Light extraction for concave-convex surface structure with beads Dependence on refractive index of beads
Toshiyuki Mihara, Masaru Yamashita and Tomoko Akai

10-08 Designs and estimations of aspherical Fresnel lenses for illuminations
Shigeru Kawai and Tomonori Sakamoto

Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiation Mesurement:

11-01 Creation of color chart database of disaster victim's skin (2) Measurement of quasi-skin state in shock by healthy aged subjects
Yuki Akizuki, Junko Tomohiro, Tadahiro Nunomura, Masahiro Wakasugi, Akiko Yoshimura, Hirotaka Suzuki and Kenichiro Takashina

11-02 Optical properties of a luminous intensity standard lamp with a black aperture mask
Hiroshi Shitomi and Ichiro Saito

11-03 Development of stability evaluation method in total luminous flux measurement
Takayuki Shibuya, Toshihide Iwanaga and Hiroyuki Yokota

11-04 Evaluation of commercially available spectral irradiance standard scale in Japan
Shu Takeshita

11-05 Development of compact goniophotometer for flat panel light source
Hiroyuki Yokota, Toshihide Iwanaga and Takayuki Shibuya

11-06 A study on continuous measurement of luminance distribution at actual space.
Hirotaka Suzuki and Yuki Akizuki

11-07 Generation of a uniform irradiance distribution using microlens arrays for the spectral irradiance responsivity calibration
Kenichi Kinoshita and Tatsuya Zama

11-08 Measuring flare fluctuation of Japanese traditinal candles
Masanobu Nishimura, Hisashi Wakamatsu and Noriaki Matsui

Application of Light Radiation:

12-01 Color calibration of digital image based on illuminating spectral information
Atsushi Hashimoto, Yurika Toyoshi, Kenichiro Suehara and Takaharu Kameoka

12-02 The wavelength range of near-infrared spectroscopy in non-invasive blood glucose measurement
Keigo Oishi, Masaya Fukuda, Yuki Miyauchi and Hiroaki Ishizawa

New Fields related to the Application of Light:

13-01 Smart lighting system enhanced by HEMS
Keiichi Teramoto and Tatsuya Nakagawa

13-02 Examinations of using prototyping tool system for lighting education
Akira Uchida and Yoshihiko Ohtani

13-03 Occupants behavior with regard to control of the visual environment in living room changing with time of day
Tomoko Taniguchi and Toshie Iwata

13-04 Measurement of reflected spectrum of multiplexed fiber bragg gratings using optical frequency domain reflectometory
Masato Arai, Tomohide Kanai, Masafumi Yamada, Takashi Higo and Yukitaka Shinoda

13-05 The multiplex transmission of optical wireless communication on visible light
Natsuno Kado and Saeko Oshiba

13-06 Blood vessel detection of human finger using optical coherence tomography
Tomoya Tsukada and Yukitaka Shinoda

13-07 Lifetime measurement of Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis) by time-resolved spectroscopy
Asahi Hirano, Yuko Kakazu, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Toshihiro Hayashi and Yushi Shimada

Research and Educational Grants:

14-01 Lighting environment improvement to promote evacuation on heights from tsunami in the nighttime activity in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture
Hiroshi Mae, Masahide Kakudate and Shigeo Kobayashi

14-02 Study on adaptation luminance in visual field under complex luminance distribution -The method of visibility estimation in real space by the effective luminance-
Yoko Ikegami, Youko Inoue and Naoya Hara

14-03 The study of brightness of a space considering variation of luminance
Byoungwoo Ko, Bin Lu, Takaaki Koga, Kotaroh Hirate, Masaaki Mizuno and Naoyuki Suzuki

14-04 The relation in appearance between gold and metallicity and glossiness.
Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda and Keiji Uchikawa