September 6 (Thu.) ~ 8 (Sat.), 2012
Yamaguchi University (Yoshida CAMPUS)
Applications was ended.
Applications may be made from May 11 (Fri.) 14:00 JST to June 6 (Wed.) 17:00 JST , 2012. Applications submitted outside this period cannot be accepted.
Guideline and Notes for the PDF Manuscript Preparation
Guideline for Presentation Paper Preparation
In this year the application for a presentation and submission of paper in PDF must be completed at the same time on the website of IEIJ. The fee for participation should be paid by credit card only.
The entry of joint authors for participation as audience members and the entry for the reception are scheduled in July.
Applications are open for any individual members of following institutes, the Japan Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan, and the Information Processing Society of Japan. Nonmembers as joint speaker are acceptable.
Members of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Northern America, the Illumination Engineering Institute of China, the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand, and members of the IEEE are regarded as members of IEIJ.
The language for the presentation and for the manuscript should be either in Japanese or English.
1) Oral presentation;: 15 minutes for a lecture, and 5 minutes for a question-and-answer session .
2) Poster presentation: September 6 to 8AM
Short oral presentation: 5 minutes
Discussion time: September 7 standing by own poster.
Those who are less than 25 at the registration (for students, less than 30) are requested to participate in the poster presentations. The Excellent Poster Presenter Award winner will be chosen among the poster presentations and honored at the end of the Conf.
The contents should be unpublished recent studies or results that are related to the following fields. Applications will be rejected if the content is judged to be inappropriate.
The disclosure of papers are scheduled on August 24th, 2012., Please make sure of the right handling of your patent.
From May 11 (Fri.) 14:00 JST to June 6 (Wed.) 17:00 JST, 2012 .
Guideline and Notes for the PDF Manuscript Preparation
Guideline for Presentation Paper Preparation
Manuscript one page �7,000� Manuscript two pages� �11,000
The fees include the proceedings( CD-ROM) and the participation fee for attending the conference as an audience .
The fee does not include the participation fee for a joint presenter. The entry for the participation of a joint authors. Starts on July 2012.
*Reception | 5,000Yen (general) |
3,000Yen (student) |
The fee will be charged to the credit card provided below.
. VISA or MasterCard .
# Payment by bank transfer, cash hand delivered or sent by registered postal cash envelope can not be accepted.
The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr. Shinichi Miyao]
Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
zip code:101-0048
Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102
E-mail address: committee(at) (change "(at)" into "@")
(Weekday 9:00-17:20 JST)
+ Please confirm the details of the contents of this invitation, and look for modified items and the latest information on our homepage .