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Invitation to Presentation at the 2011 (44rd) Annual Conference of IEIJ


September 15 (Thu.)~17 (Sat.), 2011



We hereby invite applications for presentations to be made at the 2011 Annual Conference.

Applications was ended.

Applying via the Web for Presentations at the Annual Conference of IEIJ

This year's procedure requires that the application for a presentation and the mailing of the PDF paper are to be made simultaneously on the website of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan.Also,the participation fee this year can be paid by credit card alone.

The booking of joint authors for participation as audience members and the booking for the reception are scheduled in July.

Qualifications for Application

Applications are open individual members of this institute, the Japan Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan, and the Information Processing Society of Japan. Even joint speakers nonmember is acceptable.
Members of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Northern America, the Illumination Engineering Institute of China, the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand, and members of the IEEE are also regarded as members.

Language for Presentation

The language to be used for the presentation and for the manuscript should be Japanese or English. The presentation and the manuscript are not required to be in the same language.

Kinds of Presentations and Time Limits

1) Oral presentation with a lecture of 15 minutes, and a question-and-answer session of 5 minutes.
2) Poster presentation with a short oral presentation. An oral presentation of 5 minutes is made during the first day, and then each presenter is to stand by his poster and to be prepared to discuss it as required during the discussion time, it becomes it on the second day.
There is no restriction on the contents of the presentations. Those whose age is less than 25 at the time of registration (for students, less than 30) are requested to participate in the poster presentations. The Excellent Poster Presenter Award winner will be chosen from among the poster presentations and honored.
The scheduling for the poster presentations will be arranged so that there is no time conflict with the oral presentations. The kinds of oral presentations and poster presentations chosen may be changed in view of the overall program arrangement.

Contents of the Presentations

The contents should be unpublished recent studies or results that are related to the following fields. Applications will be rejected if the content is judged to be inappropriate.

  1. Light sources, circuits, and discharge phenomena [I] related to incandescent and fluorescent lamps
  2. Light sources, circuits, and discharge phenomena [II] related to HID lamps, LEDs, and others
  3. Illuminating appliances
  4. Illuminating theory
  5. Lighting planning (Interior lighting, outdoor lighting, daylight utilization, visual environment planning, and scenery lighting)
  6. Practice of lighting (Examples of implementation, facilities, and power distribution systems)
  7. Lighting design
  8. Visual perception psychology, visual perception physiology
  9. LED lighting
  10. Light-related materials, devices, and displays
  11. Photometry, colorimetry, and radiation measurement
  12. Application of light radiation
  13. New fields related to the application of light

Application Restrictions

  1. Presentations by one person are limited to one item per one person. However, one presenter may participate in another presentation as a joint presenter with another presenter. This is not permitted if the content of the joint presentation is too similar to the individual's own presentation.
  2. The copyright of the papers to be published in the collection of presentation papers belongs to this institute. Please contact the head office for details.
  3. It is requested that the person who makes the short poster presentation also cover the discussion time. (When different persons cover these two periods, the presentation will not be eligible for the Excellent Poster Presenter Award.)

How to Apply for a Presentation

  1. The basic procedure is to register via the website.
  2. Access difficulties are anticipated during the last several days of the application period due to access line congestion. Since the line is open 24 hours a day, please wait and try to apply later if you experience difficulties. If you apply one week or more before the last day, there will be no congestion and a smooth registration will be possible.

Period of Acceptance of Application for Presentation

From May 16 (Mon.) 14:00 JST to June 6 (Mon.) 12:00 JST, 2011.

Manuscript Submission Method

Please forward the manuscript in PDF form from the registration acceptance page for to apply for the presentation.

Deadline for Submission of Presentation Manuscript

  1. PDF document
      Absolute deadline: 14:00 JST, June 6 (Mon.) 2011
  2. Paper manuscript (when PDF submission is impossible)
      Please send to:
      The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
      Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr. Shinichi Miyao]
    Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    zip code:101-0048 
    Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
    FAX: +81-3-5294-0102

Absolute deadline: 14:00 JST, June 6 (Mon.), 2011

Where the PDF Manuscript Should be Submitted

  1. Please send the PDF file from the Web page for registering the application for a presentation.
  2. When garbled characters are found in the submitted PDF manuscript, the file will be returned.
  3. As for details, please refer to the Guideline and Notes for the PDF Manuscript Preparation.
    (Please understand that the exact procedure might be different from what is described in this document depending upon your OS and browser version.)

Participation Fee for Presenter  

Manuscript one page �7,000� Manuscript two pages� �11,000

The fees include the price of the collected papers (booklet and CD-ROM) and the participation fee for attending the conference as an audience member. Separate, individual prints of papers are not available. The fee does not include the participation fee for a joint presenter. Pre-registration is requested for the participation fee of a joint author. Even if a conference presenter is a student, the above tariff is applied.

*Reception 5,000Yen

Payment Method for the Presenter Participation Fee

Settlement by Credit Card alone.
  VISA and MasterCard can be used.
  For the credit card settlement, BlueGate Service provided by NTT DATA CORPORATION is utilized.
Credit card settlement is limited to a lump sum payment.
The BlueGate Service works with the “VISA authentication service” of VISA and the “MasterCard SecureCode” of MasterCard.
Since the credit card number and so on are handled by the BlueGate Service, our institute does not hold any information associated with the credit cards.

# Payment by bank transfer, cash hand delivered or sent by registered postal cash envelope can not be accepted.

Contact for Inquiry

The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
 Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr. Shinichi Miyao]
Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
zip code:101-0048
Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102
E-mail address: committee(at)ieij.or.jp (change "(at)" into "@")
(Weekday 9:00-17:20 JST)

+ Please confirm the details of the contents of this invitation, and look for modified items and the latest information by visiting the homepage of our institute.

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