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  • Papers Presented at 2010 Annual Conference of IEIJ, September 7 - 8

Papers Presented at 2010 Annual Conference of IEIJ, September 7 - 8


Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th, September 2010


Osaka City University
3-3-138 Sugimoto Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu, Japan, 558-8585


Tuesday 7, 9:00-10:10

Short presentation of poster papers at the 1st and 2nd floor of General Education Building

(1) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
 (Paper No.11-1~4)
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
 (Paper No.12-1~6)
New Application of Optical Radiation
 (Paper No.13-1~4) at Room 821
(2)Lighting Planning
 (Paper No.5-1~9)
Lighting Design
 (Paper No.7-1~2) at Room 812
(3)Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.8-1~11) at Room 814
(4) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.8-12~17)
Lighting Practice
 (Paper No.6-1~3) at Room 813
(5)Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon2
(Paper No.2-1~3)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon1
(Paper No.1-1~6)
 (Paper No.3-1) at Room 822
(6) Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.10-1~3)
LED Lighting(hardware)
(Paper No.9-1~6) at Room 810
(7)LED Lighting(software)
(Paper No.9-7~20) at Room 811
Wednesday 7, 10:30-12:00

Poster session for the above poster papers at Room 832-835 on the 3rd floor of General Education Building (10:30-12:00 Discussion time for the poster papers)

Wednesday 8, 9:00-12:30

General sessions at the 1st floor of General Education Building

(1) LED Lighting(software)
(Paper No.9-21~23) at Room 812
(2)LED Lighting(hardware)
(Paper No.9-24~32) at Room 810
(3)Lighting Theory
 (Paper No.4-1)
Lighting Planning
(Paper No.5-10~17) at Room 813
(4)Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.8-18~26) at Room 811
(Paper S-1~8) at Room 814
Wednesday 8, 13:30-17:40

General sessions at the 1st floor of General Education Building

(1)Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
(Paper No.11-5~12)
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.12-7)
New Application of Optical Radiation
(Paper No.13-5~6) at Room 812
(2)LED Special Session
 (Paper No.9-33-44) at Room 810
(3)Lighting Planning
 (Paper No.5-18~27)
Lighting Design
 (Paper No.7-3) at Room 813
(4)Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon1
(Paper No.1-7~13)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon2
(Paper No.2-4~6)
 (Paper No.3-2~3) at Room 811
(Paper No.L-1~4) at Room 814

Papers presented


Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1:

1-1 Characteristics of radio-frequency capacitively coupled plasma with dielectric electrode for mercury
Kazutoshi Kabashima, Tatsuya Misawa, Yasunori Otsu

1-2 Surface morphology and secondary electron emission property of micro-needle structured diamond electrode fabricated by back sputtering
Tsukasa Higa, Shimon Ono, Takayuki Misu, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai

1-3 Current-voltage characteristics of a fluorescent lamp with a heated electrode
Shoji Inoue, Toshirou Kasuya, Motoi Wada, Shigeo Gotoh

1-4 Discharge characteristics of MgO coated electrode of cylinder type used for liquid crystal display backlighting
Yusuke Nakamura, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai

1-5 Efficacy enhancement of mercury-free fluorescent lamps by high voltage application to auxiliary external electrode
Kojiro Oka, Kyosuke Miyamoto, Mitsuaki Hirahaya, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno

1-6 Effect of electrode structure on emission intensity of xenon cold cathode fluorescent lamp with thin diameter
Kentaro Ikeda, Hisayoshi Kurokawa, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno

1-7 Development and Mass-introduction of Lead-free Glass(PEG-F) for Fluorescent Lamps
Tomoko Atagi, Yasurou Niguma, Atsushi Motoya, Yurika Goto, Yoshiyuki Kita, Masanobu Ito, Kouki Hongo, Meihon Niu

1-8 Electrode temperature distribution and characteristics of Ba atom emission in low-pressure fluorescence lamp (III)
Yukihiko Yamagata, Sho Naito, Kazuki Kamio, Kentaro Tomita, Kiichiro Uchino, Makoto Kai, Yoshio Manabe

1-9 Measurement of electron density in a fluorescent lamp by heterodyne interferometry
Masafumi Jinno, Kenichiro Hamanishi, Yuki Tamura, Hideki Motomura, Kunihide Tachibana

1-10 Feasibility Test of Tubular Deuterium Lamp with Widely Irradiating
Makoto Yasuda

1-11 Development of the mini krypton bulb shaped self ballasted fluorescent lamp
Yoshiyuki Tamaki, Kunihiko Ikada, Toshiyuki Nakamura, Katsuyuki Kobayashi

1-12 Residential Lighting Fixture with Automatic Brightness Adjustment Function by Sensor
Tomoaki Mannami, Hirohumi Yoshida

1-13 The Digital Dimming System for Home Lighting
Naoko Iwai, Tooru Ishikita, Kazuhiko Sato

Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 2:

2-1 Investigation of design for power coupler in an electrodeless discharge lamp
Yuichi Sakamoto, Takeshi Yanai, Kenichiro Takahashi, Masaki Nakano, Hirotoshi Fukunaga, Hiroshi Ogasawara, Hidenori Kakehashi

2-2 Non-destructive estimation of xenon filling pressure in mercury-free metal halide lamp
Kyosuke Enoki, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno

2-3 Ignition glow discharge period of adameged HID lamp
Daisuke Itoh, Motoi Wada, Toshiro Kasuya, Shigeo Gotoh

2-4 Study on a new material to replace the thoriated-tugsten electrode
Tadao Uetsuki, Akira Matsuo, Katsuyuki Morii, Hisaao Hatanaka

2-5 Influence of tube-diameter on the light emission luminance in radio-frequency electrodeless discharge
Hidenori Kashiwazaki Hiroharu Fujita

2-6 Measurement of light emitting in a spherical-shaped electrodeless fluorescent lamp
Kentaro Yamauchi, Atsunori Okada

Luminaires :

3-1 Development of lighting system used two dimension bar code
Kensuke Kaneko, Yoshihisa Umezawa, Ichiro Terayama, Yoshitaka Kenmotsu

3-2 Development of a lighting controller with light sensor for the Chinese markets
Kazufumi Nagazoe, Yuichi Ejiri, Hirokazu Saegusa, Hiroshi Sugawara, Yosinobu Murakami

3-3 Improved Anti-Contamination of Lighting Fixture for Factory by Water - and Oil -Repelling Coating
Kazuki Watanabe, Satoru Yamauchi, Shinjiro Noma, Yasunori Yamamura

Lighting Theory:

4-1 Fundamental examination on prediction procedure about the position of single light source
Akira Uchida, Yoshihiko Ohtani

Lighting Planning :

5-1 Study on appropriate lighting conditions for dining
Yuko Yamadera, Yoko Fukumoto, Shino Okuda, Wataru Iwai

5-2 Appropriate conditions of illuminance and colour temperature for visual performance in making meals
Yoko Fukumoto, Shino Okuda, Naoya Hara, Hiroshi Iwade, Wataru Iwai

5-3 Study on the relation between lighting environment of the kitchen and task performance
Keita Murakami, Naoya Hara, Sino Okuda, Hiroshi Iwade, Wataru Iwai

5-4 Field survey on the actual use of lighting equipments in elementary schools
Shohei Ikeda, Etsuko Mochizuki

5-5 Methed of controlling blind slat angle based on discomfort glare
Naoya Kaneko, Toshie Iwata

5-6 Effect on daylighting non-uniform skyline base on sky factor regulation
Keiji Kitada, Etsuko Mochizuki

5-7 Experiment of turning on the LED by photovoltaic power generation panels stand in the veranda
Yuki Tanaka, Miwako Tokura

5-8 Color programmable lighting system for barrier-free visual environment
Harumi Saito, Keisuke Takayama, Kazuya Okiyama, Shuang Xu, Katsunori Okajima, Takaaki Suzuki

5-9 Effect of the Density of Lattice and Interior Lighting on Evaluation of Restfulness at the Inside of Machiya Café
Aimi Mochinaga, Shino Okuda

5-10 Examination of the UGR with simulation
Susumu Sugano, Yoshiki Nakamura

5-11 Development of Human-centerd Evaluation Technology for Light Energy Distribution in Room Illuminated by Multiple Light Sources
Nobuyuki Shibano, Hiroshi Hoshino, Haruka Amanuma

5-12 Experimentation of telecentric lighting using high directional LED illuminators
Takahiro Ikeda

5-13 Simulation of the luminous intensity distribution of skylights based on their optical properties
Takaaki Suzuki, Toshifumi Kato, Miyosi Ono, Susumu Toyama, Koga Yasuko

5-14 Applicabitity of high correlated color temperature (12000K) fluorescent lamps for street light
Hiroshi Yagi, Masanori Shimizu

5-15 Study on the installation space and brightness of inducement lighting
Michiko Iwata, Yuta Ishigami

5-16 Change of visual information while driving by light distribution of headlight
Yoshiro Aoki

5-17 Effects on visibility of change in light color at transient dark adaptation
Etsuko Mochizuki, Hisaki Itsuki, Kumio Kawaguchi

5-18 Study on the energy saving of office lighting by human detection control
Mutsuo Honma

5-19 Evaluation Method of Color Temperature for Daylighting
Masayuki Ichinose, Takashi Inoue

5-20 Lighting equipment on Communication Plaza" in Kandenko Ltd."
Masato Yamamoto, Eiki Takeuchi, Isao Kuroda

5-21 Study on illuminance balance between working area and ambient ( part2 )
Youko Inoue, Chika Matsui

5-22 Subjective experience for lighting of shelf for display
Miwako Tokura, Ai Okamoto

5-23 Analyzing the Metric of Space Brightness and method of desingning to step up one
Kenichi Watabane, Koichi Kaiho, So Takizawa, Mutsuo Honma, Koichiro Hara, Shinji Sawamura, Daisuke Ueno, Risa Nakao, Genki Kato, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Hideki Yamaguchi, Wataru Iwai

5-24 Evaluation of Space Brightness in the Difference of Interior Chromaticness
Hideki Yamaguchi, Toshiaki Tamoi, Hiroyuki Shinoda

5-25 Research on Color Temperature for Illumination of Traditional Buildings
Ming Zhanmg, Mamoru Takamastu, Yoshio Nakashima, Kazuhiro Sawa

5-26 Visual color perception of luminous lamps inside the private room
Haruyo Ohno, Masami Kono, Shigeharu Tamura, Takashi Hiraga

5-27 Effects of rooflight on impression of visual environment in private house
Naoyuki Nagata

Lighting Practice :

6-1 Lighting Facilities for Hanshin Koshien Stadium
Hitoshi Setoguchi, Seiji Kubo

6-2 Investigating method of the luminaire in the Meiji and Taisho Era
Megumi Shirakawa, Shino Okuda, Aimi Mochinaga

6-3 The physical and psychological valuation of light environment about Hikari no kyoukai
Ryota Matsui, Noriko Umemiya

Lighting Design :

7-1 Research on Change of Visual Characteristics Considering Object Color on Dark Adaptation Process
Masaya Asai, Yu Qin, Yosho Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu, Kazuo Sendai

7-2 Study on Decision of Appropriate Lighting-System for Store Illumination
Hiroki Fujita, Naoki Kanda, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Masaaki Oota

7-3 An approach of lamp shade design making use of rapid prototyping system
Hirotaka Suzuki

Psychology and Physiology of Vision:

8-1 Study on blue light to increase office workers' alertness
Kyoko Hiwatashi, Yukio Akashi, Hiroki Noguchi

8-2 A survey on sleep time and depression of students in Fukui
Sachi Yamada, Yukio Akashi, Hiroshi Abe, Saeri Takahashi

8-3 Development of circadian sensor for biological clock
Saeri Takahashi, Yukio Akashi, Sachi Yamada, Hiroshi Abe

8-4 Spectral Sensitivity of Non-Image-Forming Vision
Nagisa Ide, Yasuko Koga, Motoharu Takao

8-5 Measurement of range of luminance contrast threshold
Masayoshi Kamijo, Masataka Aoi, Masaru Momose, Hiroaki Yoshida, Shoji Kobayashi

8-6 Study on Adaptation Luminance in Visual Field Under Complex Luminance Distribution
Yoko Ikegami, Youko Inoue, Naoya Hara

8-7 Illuminance Modulation Perception as a Functions of Temporal Frequency
Kazuya Okiyama, Katsunori Okajima

8-8 The effectiveness of white light sources at mesopic light levels
Keiko Nakagawa, Yukio Akashi, Takayuki Arimatsu, Nobuhiro Kyoto

8-9 Method of measuring effective view for driving task
Shunsuke Shimokawa, Masayoshi Kamijo, Shoji Kobayashi

8-10 The Relationship Between Change in Affective State and Brain Activity Due to Lighting Position in The Room
Mizuki Nakajima, Toshimasa Yamanaka

8-11 Psychological Influence of the power spectrum slope of Fluctuating Light on Human Impression
Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Toshihiro Bando

8-12 The effect of the glare from windows on the pupil of the eye
Kensuke Nagayoshi, Toshie Iwata

8-13 Objective evaluation of the effect of glare on visual performance
Yoko Kato, Yukio Akashi, Susumu Sugano

8-14 The effect of light source luminance in the visual field on task illuminance selection
Marina Nakano, Yukio Akasi, Susumu Sugano

8-15 The effect of lamp spectral distributions and lamp spacing on discomfort glare sensation
Kazuto Imai, Takakazu Murakami, Yukio Akashi

8-16 The effect of security lighting with different spectral power distributions on the perception of spatial brightness
Kimitaka Shirakura, Yukio Akashi, Takashi Saito, Takayoshi Matsui

8-17 The effect of increasing luminous flux of security lighting on target visibility
Takashi Fujtia, Yukio Akashi, Takashi Saito, Takayoshi Matsui

8-18 Visual impression of a lighting space
Masaaki Mizuno, Taiichiro Ishida

8-19 Study on brightness perception of peripheral vision(Part 1)
QianYing Dai, Yoshiki Nakamura

8-20 Effects of age-related changes in vision on impression of brightness in a space
Mika Kato, Naoya Hara, Shino Okuda, Ryuji Sato

8-21 The effect of season and color temperature on impression of lighting
Kyoko Ishida, Yoko Inoue, hironobu Uchiyama, Jyunichi Kurata

8-22 Basic study on the quantification of conspicuousness considering the chromaticity contrast
Tetsuji Yamada, Toru Kitano, Yoshiki Nakamura

8-23 Comparison of indices for discomfort glare caused by windows
Toshie Iwata, Hiroki Ito

8-24 Basic study on the visibility of a solid object
Mikiko Nakamura, Ryuji Satoh, Shino Okuda

8-25 Influence from luminance of luminous surface on eye strain
Hirokuni Higashi, Hideki Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Shinoda

8-26 The effect of dawn simulation on children's quality of sleep and life
Naohiro Toda, Hiroki Noguchi, Yasuko Kamikawa

LED Lighting :

9-1 Formation system of aerial lighting object using high directional LED illuminators
Takahiro Ikeda, Shinobu Inagaki

9-2 Characterization of LED fishing lights for squid fishing
Kaoru Yoshino, Yohei Kanda, Kazuki, Murata, Atsushi Takatama, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohsawa, Shinichi Oeda, Satoshi Kobayashi, Masahiro Moniwa, Hiroshi Matsuzaki, Hirotaka Yoshino, Makoto Harada, Kenji Asakura, Hiromitsu Ishii

9-3 Irradiance distribution simulation of LED fishing lights for squid fishing
Yohei Kanda, Kazuki Murata, Kaoru Yoshino, Atsushi Takatama, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohsawa, Shinichi Oeda, Satoshi Kobayashi, Masahiro Moniwa, Matsuzaki Hiroshi, Hirotaka Yoshino, Makoto Harada, Asakura Kenji, Ishii Hiromitsu, Hiroshi Sasa, Hiroyoshi Ishikawa

9-4 FET-type high efficiency driving circuit for high-power LED Lamps
Shoji Horimoto, Sho Sato, Daisuke Kawanishi, Yasutada Sakamoto

9-5 High efficiency driving circuit with four times charge frequency for high-power LED lamps
Sho Sato, Daisuke Kawanishi, Yasutada Sakamoto

9-6 Development of a color LED versa-writer
Yuuki Tazawa, Masanori Tsuchimoto

9-7 Effect of spectral characteristics of light-source on discomfort glare
Kazuhiro Sano, Yasushi Kita, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi

9-8 Visibility of LED headlight in fine weather and rain environment
Shun Miyake, Akiko Mizoguchi, Kazuhiko Iwai, Kenji Mukai, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Miyoshi Ayama

9-9 Visibility of LED headlight in fine weather and rain environment
Akiko Mizoguchi, Shun Miyake, Kazuhiko Iwai, Kenji Mukai, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Miyoshi Ayama

9-10 Study on improvement in presbyopia using RGB color LED lighting
Taihua Li, Yuki Fukai, Naoki Komine, Yuji Sano

9-11 Effects of LED Lighting on elderly people's visibility and visual performance
Eri Oota, Nozomu Yoshizawa

9-12 Visual perceiving experiment on color rendering properties and consideration on applicability of CIE color rendering evaluation method to white LEDs (2)
Yayoi Nakamura, Kanako Maruzuka, Masako Saito, Fusao Hoshino, Fumiko Ito, Kohtaro Kohmoto

9-13 Brightness sensation of clothes and skin illuminated by light sources with different spectral characteristic
Yuho Tagawa, Masayoshi Kamijo

9-14 Different viewing of objects with pulse driven irradiation by LED
Koji Takahashi, Masafumi Suzuki

9-15 Study on the color discrimination by LEDs and fluorescent lamps
Yuta Ishigami, Michico Iwata

9-16 Research on effect of the hue of lighting
Shingo Sakuta, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yasuaki Kidou

9-17 Color appearance and visual impression under LED light sources
Kazuki Tobe, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yoko Mizokami

9-18 The study on difference of impression in the same color of fluorescent lamp and LED lighting
Byoungwoo Ko Donggi Lee, Hsinchen Chiang, Takaaki Koga, Kotaroh Hirate

9-19 Research on image evaluation of energy-saving model of full-color LED display
Keisuke Nakajima, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu, Keniti Mima, Sanntaro Nakajima

9-20 Color perception under organic electroluminescence illumination
Yasuki Yamauchi

9-21 Research on evaluation method for glare limits of the LED street lighting
Toshinari Matsui, Yoshinori Karasawa, Hideki Beppu, Yoshiko Fukuda

9-22 Brightness perception of object colors by LED lighting
Akira Yujiri, Daiki Maetani

9-23 Subjective impression evaluation of the light source in the nighttime residential space
Hirotsugu Yamada, Wakana Okada, Akio Matsubara, Emi Koyama

9-24 Development of white OLED lighting
Yuko Matsuhisa, Hiroya Tsuji, Norihiro Ito, Nobuhiro Ide

9-25 Technical development related to improving the phosphor conversion efficiency for white LED package
Naoko Takei, Keiichi Yamazaki, Hiroshi Fukshima, Eiji Shiohama

9-26 Development of HLED package and high radiation lighting module
Masamichi Ishihara, Tsutomu Toyoshima, Kazuki Narazaki

9-27 Thermal analysis on module for bulb-shaped LED lamp
Shuhei Matsuda, Yuusuke Shibahara

9-28 Thermal management of LED Lamp
Makoto Kai, Atsushi Motoya, Yoshio Manabe, Satoshi Shida

9-29 Power supply for LED lighting
Hiromichi Nakajima, Masahiko Kamata, Kiyoteru Kosa, Takehide Ando

9-30 Development of GX53-base LED unit
Shigeru Oosawa, Takuro Hiramatsu, Kenji Nezu

9-31 Development of 6000 lm class high efficiency LED downlight
Kozo Ogawa, Takayoshi Moriyama, Yusuke Shibahara, Hiromichi Nakajima

9-32 Devpment of tunnel lighting luminaires with white LED lamps
Kazushige Furukawa, Hiroaki Hattori, Nobuhiko Inaba

9-33 Study on optimum presentation method considering elderly people in case of led information board
Yoshio Nakashima

9-34 Color rendering estimation method using a visualization system with consideration for the elderly
Katsunori Okajima

9-35 Discomfort glare evaluation of white LED with different light distribution
Miyoshi Ayama, Tomonori Tashiro, Shunsuke Kohko, Takako Kimura-Minoda, TomoharuIshikawa

9-36 Effect of the color shift on effective intensity enhancement by repetitive pulsed operation of LEDs
Hideki Motomura, Mitsuhide Abe, ShodaiMiyake, Masafumi Jinno

9-37 Consideration of outdoor lighting design using LEDs for energy saving
Yoshinori Karasawa, Toshihide Mori, Toshinari Matsui

9-38 Review of LED street lighting investigations in US
Toru Hagiwara

9-39 Light distribution design and application development of LED lighting
Tsunehiro Momoi, Kuniaki Sakai

9-40 The white LED lighting which used-like light control for Station square open space and neighboring road illumination
Hisaki Itsuki, Takashi Mezaki, Shinichi Kitamura

9-41 Demonstration assessment of LED street lighting in sapporo
Junichi Koyama, Yutaka Nagase

9-42 The impression evaluation experiment of the LED Street Light
Hitoshi Akasaka, Masaoki Nisho

9-43 Examination of method of evaluating visual environment with street lighting
Hiroshi Matsuo, Wataru Iwai, Masaoki Nishio

9-44 A study of LED street lighting in snowy area
Mitsuhiko Takenouchi, Yoshitake Maeno, Kazushige Furukawa

Optical Devices and Display :

10-1 Photon cascade emission of Pr3+ in strontium aluminate
Yoshihisa Ikeda, Kohei Masada, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno, Kunihide Tachibana

10-2 Improvement of brightness of luminescent material by coating technology
Ikuko Aoki, Tsugihiro Matsuda, Masaki Kibe,Toshio Mori, Kazuyuki Okano

10-3 Fabrication of ultraviolet light emitting diode based on ZnO nanowires
Koji Tsuta, Akio Kumeda, Mitsuhiro Higashihata, Daisuke Nakamura, Tatsuo Okada

Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry :

11-1 Evaluation of Daylight and Optimal Control of Blinds Based on Study of Color Rendering Properties
Koichi Taira, Masayuki Ichinose

11-2 Color Calibration of Digital Image Using Illuminating Spectral Information
Kentarou Furusawa, Kenichiro Suehara,Takaharu Kameoka, Atsushi Hashimoto

11-3 Simple weather judgment that uses picture for automatic control blind
Toshihiro Ohtake, Toshie Iwata

11-4 Development of CNTs Infrared Radiator with Planar Structure Which Operates at High Temperature
Takaomi Nakamura, Toshiki Tachibana, Tamaki Yaji, Fumio Ohtani

11-5 Development of Calibration System for Spectral Radiance Measurement
Toshihide Iwanaga, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Hirotaka Nakamura,  Mizue Ebisawa

11-6 Development of absolute spectral reflectance and transmittance calibration facilities
Hiroshi Shitomi, Ichiro Saito

11-7 Calculation and optimization of spectral responsivity of V(l) filter
Kenchi Kinoshita, Ichiro Saito

11-8 Some problems on luminous flux measurement of HP LEDs (2)
Ken Koizumi, Takanobu Kasuga, Weidong Qian, Fusao Hoshino, Masataka Takiue, Kohtaro Kohmoto

11-9 Buffle-less integrating hemisphere for 2pi geometry light source
Shunsuke Mishima, Kazuaki Ohkubo

11-10 Study of Absolute Quantum Yield Measurement for Solution Phosphors
Yoshihiro Osawa, Mayuko Haruta, Kazuaki Ohkubo

11-11 Classification of LED, HID as well as FL by Chromaticity and color rendering property
Takayoshi Fuchida, Hitoshi Komatsubara, Tomoko Kotani

11-12 Comments from Japanese National Technical Committee of the CIE TC1-69
Takayoshi Fuchida, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Kenjiro Hashimoto

Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry:

12-1 Determining the fog and rain by fog density measurement system
Kazushige Nakamura, Hitoshi Kouno, Ryousuke Suzuki, Eiichiro Momma, Hiromitu Ishii, Takashi Ono, Tomohiro Uchiyama, Souichi Sudou, Jyunichi Hozumi

12-2 Development of portable three-dimensional shapes measurement system using laser irradiation
Hiroaki Yasuda, Toshiyuki Kurihara, Isamu Kawagashira, Yoshihisa Uchida

12-3 Application of Laser Speckle Method to Measurement of Surface Roughness of Metal and Manufactured Products
Takuro Horiguchi, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Masaki Kawamura

12-4 Temperature dependence of fluorescence spectra of Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis)
Kazuki Murata, Atsushi Takatama, Suguru Kitagawa, Ippei Ishida, Bao Cong Hiu, Takuya Akaogi, Tsukasa Yanagisawa, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Toshihiro Hayashi, Yushi Shimada

12-5 Fluorescence spectra of Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis) by using LED
Suguru Kitagawa, Kazuki Murata, Atsushi Takatama, Ippei Ishida, Bao Cong Hiu, Takuya Akaogi, Tsukasa Yanagisawa, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Hayashi Toshihiro, Shimada Yushi

12-6 Quantitative Analysis of Fiber Mixtures by Infrared Spectroscopy
Tomomi Dozono, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Shota Tokutake, Takashi Miki, Shouhei Koyama

12-7 Plant disease control by ultraviolet radiation
Makoto Yamada, Masaki Ishiwata, Takeshi Kanto, Katsunari Matsuura, Toshiyuki Usami,Yoshimiki Amemiya

New Application of Optical Radiation :

13-1 Color Conversion of Images with Illumination and its application
Shigeharu Tamura, Takashi Hiraga

13-2 Stable photoluminescence from nanocrystalline silicon particles doped by nitrogen
Tomonori Fujino, Kenji Hirakuri, Keisuke Sato, Yasuhiro Fukui

13-3 Fabrication of nanocrystalline silicon particles as luminous source of white light
Toshiyuki Shimizu, Kenji Hirakuri, Yasuhiro Fukui, Keisuke Sato

13-4 Fabrication of nano-crystalline silicon particles by chemical etching technique
Shinobu Yokosuka, Keisuke Sato, Kenji Hirakuri

13-5 Development of ethernet/DMX converter unit
Toshifumi Miura, Hidehiko Nishikubo, Hideki Nishikura

13-6 A study on the daylight control system operating simultaneously with the sky luminance distribution
Yoshiaki Uetani


L-1 Researches on applications of infrared  radiation in the Illuminating Engineering Institute, Japan
A. Hashimoto, H. Ishizawa, T. Okura, Y. Akamatsu

L-2 Research on measurement of LEDs and future research projects for measurement of SSL at NMIJ/AIST
K. Goto

L-3 Identification and quantitative analysis of blood glucose by optical sensing
Hiroaki Ishizawa, Shohei Koyama, Youki Miyauchi, Takurou Horiguchi

L-4 Raman scattering spectroscopy for light sources and emitting materials
Hideki Ohkawa


S-1 Foreword
Haruo Ito

S-2 Development of Ultarhigh-resolution plasma display panel for “ super hi-vision” broadcasting system
Yukio Murakami

S-3 Ultra-light, extra-large film type display “plasma tube aray”
Kenji Awamoto

S-4 Characteriziation of protective layer materials for plasma display panel
Masaharu Terauchi, Yukihiro Morita, Mikihiko Nishitani, Kyohei Yoshino, Takuji Tsujita, Takahito Nakayama, Tomoaki Ishituka, Toshihisa Tomie, Yasuhiro Yamauchi

S-5 Discharge characteristics of PDPs with a protective layer having high secondary electron coefficient
Toshiyuki Akiyama

S-6 OLED for Lighting Application
Yasuki Kawashima

S-7 LED backlight local dimming technology for LCD-TVs
Masahiro Baba

S-8 Study on the possibility of cold cathode discharge lamp having higher lumen output and efficacy
Tadao Uetsuki