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  • Papers Presented at 2009 Annual Conference of IEIJ, August 27-28

Papers Presented at 2009 Annual Conference of IEIJ, August 27-28


Thursday 27th and Friday 28th, August 2009


Hokkaido Institute of Technology
7-15 Maeda, Teine-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 006-8585


Thursday 27, 9:10-10:10

Short presentation of poster papers at 2nd floor of Building G (Lecture Hall)

(1) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1
(Paper No.1-6)
Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.111)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 2
(Paper No.18-19) at Room G206
(2)Lighting Planning
(Paper No.32-39)
Lighting Practice
(Paper No.55-56) at Room G207
(3)LED Lighting
(Paper No.96-101)
New Application of Optical Radiation
(Paper No.137-139) at Room G209
(4) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.65-75) at Room G201
(5)Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.76-82)
Lighting Theory
(Paper No.63)
Lighting Design
(Paper No.28-30) at Room G 202
(6)Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
(Paper No.114-115)
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.125-133) at Room G203
Thursday 27, 9:10-17:00

Poster session for the above poster papers at Atrium of Building G (Lecture Hall)
(10:30-12:00 Discussion time for the poster papers)

Friday 28, 9:00-12:30

General sessions at 2nd floor of Building G (Lecture Hall)

(1)Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1
(Paper No.7-16) at Room G206
(2)Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.134-136)
New Application of Optical Radiation
(Paper No.140) at Room G207
(3) —No Session at Room G209 —
(4)Lighting Practice
(Paper No.57-62)
Lighting Design
(Paper No.64) at Room G201
(5)Lighting Planning
(Paper No.40-44)
Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No. 94-95)
Lighting Theory
(Paper No.31) at Room G202
Friday 28, 13:30-17:20

General sessions at 2nd floor of Building G (Lecture Hall)

(1)Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1
(Paper No.17)
Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.112-113)
(Paper No.27)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 2
(Paper No.20-26) at Room G206
(2)Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
(Paper No.116-124) at Room G207
(3)LED Lighting
(Paper No.102-110) at Room G209
(4)Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.83-93) at Room G201
(5)Lighting Planning
(Paper No.45-54) at Room G202

Papers presented


Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1:
  1. The influence of leakage current on pulsed discharge xenon fluorescent lamps
    Mitsuaki Hirahaya, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  2. The effect that aging before examination gives to electrode life
    Shoji Inoue, Toshiro Kasuya, Motoi Wada, Shigeo Gotoh
  3. Study on the influence of gas pressure on the characteristics of the CCFL
    Naoki Aoyama, Tadao Uetsuki, Hidetoshi Yano, Yuji Takeda, Osamu Fukumasa
  4. A study on ignition mechanism of magnetic coupled electrode-less lamp
    Masao Fujita, Tadao Uetsuki, Motohiro Saimi, Hidenori Kakehasi
  5. A study on the influence of operating circuit on the position of emission point of fluorescent lamp
    Yuki Gemba, Tadao Uetsuki, Takasi Kanda
  6. Discharge characteristics of aligned diamond whiskers for electrode material in liquid crystal display backlighting
    Shimon Ono, Takayuki Misu, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai
  7. Mechanism of Discharge Spot Formation on the Surface of a Lead Wire
    Yoshio Watanabe
  8. Electrode temperature distributions and characteristics of Ba atom emission in low-pressure fluorescence lamp (II)
    Yukihiko Yamagata, Masaru Naka, Hirofumi Shinozaki, Kentaro Tomita, Kiichiro Uchino, Makoto Kai, Yoshio Manabe
  9. Strength improvement technology of the glass for fluorescent lamp with coating
    Atsushi Motoya, Yoshiyuki Kita, Akira Taniuchi, Hayato Kameyama
  10. Research and development of high correlated color temperature, over 10,000K, fluorescent lamps
    Hiroshi Yagi, Masanori Shimizu
  11. Energy saving of starter-type circular fluorescent lamps (FCLs)
    Yusuke Okazaki, Toru Higashi
  12. Development of an A-shaped self ballasted fluorescent lamp using a helical tube
    Kunihiko Ikada, Katsuyuki Kobayashi
  13. Development of ballast repeatable type CFL
    Kazuo Nomura, Takashi Awano, Masatoshi Nishikawa
  14. Development of High Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp
    Kazuhiko Itoh, Junichi Takahashi, Masayosi Gyouten, Gustiono Cahyani, Zheng Aihua
  15. Visible Light Communication Technique with Fluorescent lamp
    Jun Sasaki, Yanbin Sun, Noriyuki Kitamura, Yuichiro Takahara
  16. Low-pressure glow discharge property of C12A7 electride
    Satoru Watanabe, Kazuhiro Ito, Naomichi Miyagawa, Setsuro Ito, Hideo Hosono, Shigeo Mikoshiba
  17. Accelerated lamp current evaluation of Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps for LCD Backlight
    Eiji Abe, Shinji Mochimaru, Yoji Watanabe, Hidetoshi Yano
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 2:
  1. Wall Blackening of an Alumina Ceramic Metal Halide Lamp
    Daisuke Ito, Toshiro Kasuya, Motoi Wada, Shigeo Gotoh
  2. Spectroscopic measurement of the metal-halide lamp using computed tomography
    Shigeyuki Inagaki, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  3. Rupture characteristics of small type super high pressure discharge lamps under internal pressure
    Masahiko Kase, Shuuhei Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Sawa
  4. Stydy of glass frit seal stress decrease for ceramic metal halide lamp
    Takuya Honma, Hiroshi Kamata
  5. Development of Ceramic Metal Halide Lamp with Higher R9
    Yasushi Sasai, Tsugio Sekiguchi, Noboru Haraguchi, Kanae Matsumoto
  6. Ignition characteristics of mercury free ceramic metal halide lamps —Improvement of breakdown voltage with trigger wire—
    Masazumi Ishida, Noriyuki Kitamura, Kozo Uemura
  7. A study of high efficiency mercury free ceramic metal halide lamps
    Kozo Uemura, Takahito Kashiwagi, Yuichiro Takahara, Masazumi Ishida
  8. Step-Dimmable 240W Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamp
    Kohji Hiramatsu, Motohiro Saimi, Atsunori Okada
  9. Study of high power ballast for step-dimable induction lamp
    Shingo Masumoto, Ryusuke Ura, Hiroshi Kido
Luminaires :
  1. Development of tunnel lighting luminare capable of withstanding cold environments
    Yoshinori Iwasawa, Singo Ono, Tadashi Kawaguti
Lighting Theory:
  1. Comparison of illuminance distribution in organic EL lighting and fluorescent lamp
    Kakeru Sato, Masafumi Suzuki, Yasuyuki Hasegawa, Noboru Yoshimura
  2. Calculation of illuminance and sky factor by the luminance distribution measurement tool using a digital camera
    Hiroaki Ohno, Mika Kato, Katsuaki Sekiguchi
  3. Measuring Fluctuation of Japanese Candle and Consideration
    Syouichi Asahi, Yukio Akashi
  4. Fundamental examination on prediction procedure about the position of single light source —Influence about combination of room reflectances—
    Akira Uchida, Yoshihiko Ohtani
Lighting Planning :
  1. Examination about Illumination Environment in Residential Area using Three-dimensional Vision
    Yosuke Nakamura, Naoya Kidokoro, Eiichiro Momma, Hiromitsu Ishii, Takashi Ono
  2. Study on the Effective Use Plan of the Light-shelf System at Nighttime
    Kunihiro Abe, Tetsuo Yamaya, Yoshihiko Ohtani
  3. Appearance of Object Color when the Adaptation of Eyes Shifted from Light Adaptation to Dark Adaptation
    Jiang Shu, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Hiroshi Sawa
  4. The questionnaire survey to the founder and the residents and the situation of the criminal occurrence in the street equipping the blue crime prevention light
    Ayumi Fujimoto, Youko Inoue
  5. Influence that physical factor gives to a favorable impression of a night view
    Keiji Kitada, Mika Katoh, Katsuaki Sekiguchi
  6. Study on the lighting requirements for makeup —Study on the Lighting Environment with dimmer desk lamp—
    Sayaka Yamaguchi, Takashi Saito, Wataru Iwai, Takeshi Ueno, Shino Okuda
  7. Study on lighting environment for cooking in the kitchen —Effect of lighting direction on estimation—
    Yoko Fukumoto, Shino Okuda, Naoya Hara, Akiko Ishiguro, Wataru Iwai
  8. Effect of Leaking Light through the Lattice from Machiya-Cafe at Night on the Evaluation of Cafe
    Aimi Mochinaga, Shino Okuda
  9. Conspicuousness Image Generator Using Wavelet Treatment
    Shunsuke Kohko, Daisuke Morishita, Tetsuji Yamada, Yoshiki Nakamura
  10. Consideration of Lighting plan using the Lighting Environment Evaluation System
    Tetsuji Yamada, Daisuke Morisita, Shunsuke Kohko, Yoshiki Nakamura
  11. Study of Prediction Method to Sensation of Brightness for the Room of Low Reflectance Interior
    Wataru Iwai, Shigeko Kitamura, Hideki Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Yasuo Ogiuchi, Taiichiro Ishida, Mika Kato, Yoshiki Nakamura
  12. Development of Visual Environments Using the Metric of Space Brightness —For measurement and design reflectivity of space—
    Daisuke Ueno, Kouichi Kaihou, Mutsuo Honma, Sou Takizawa, Kouichiro Hara, Shinji Sawamura, Risa Nakao, Kenichi Watanabe, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Hideki Yamaguchi, Toshiaki Tamoi, Wataru Iwai
  13. Development of Visual Environments Using the Metric of Space Brightness —The simple method based on the Metric of Space Brightness—
    Kenichi Watanabe, Kouichi Kaihou, Mutsuo Honma, Sou Takizawa, Kouichiro Hara, Shinji Sawamura, Daisuke Ueno, Risa Nakao, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Hideki Yamaguchi, Toshiaki Tamoi, Wataru Iwai
  14. Influence of Interior Lighting on Feeling Cozy and Impression When Observing Cafes from the Outside
    Masami Kono, Naoya Hara
  15. Study on illuminance balance between working area and ambient —Relation of initial lighting environment, task illuminance and allowance rate of task-ambient ratio—
    Youko Inoue, Chieko Danjo, Eren Iwama
  16. Simulation of Blur Image on a Figured Glass
    Ryuji Satoh, Shino Okuda
  17. Analysis of visual information while driving in consideration of aging effects of light scattering in eyeball
    Yoshiro Aoki
  18. The influence of the daylighting and the artificial lighting on interior brightness
    Naoya Hara
  19. Study on automated control blind : cloudy judgment using pictorial images of luminance distribution and slat angle setting based on discomfort glare evaluation method
    Naoko Shinohara, Toshie Iwata, Hironori Endo, Daisuke Tanabe, Kensuke Nagayosi, Koichi Kaiho, Mutsuo Honma, Risa Nakao, Megumi Kawai, Kenichi Watanabe, Tetsuya Satoh
  20. Photometry Survey on Noh Stage Lighting
    Sadao Takahashi, Yuya Yamamoto, Tsutomu Yokoyama
  21. Possibilities of daylighting using a staircase and an inside window
    Miwako Tokura
  22. Study on easiness of behavior under daylight and spatial evaluation in living rooms (Part 6) —Predicted illuminance when artificial lighting becomes no necessity—
    Masako Miyamoto, Michiko Kunishima, Hiroshi Fukunaga
  23. Study on easiness of behavior under daylight and spatial evaluation in living rooms (Part 7) —The indoor brightness that is appropriate for relaxation—
    Michiko Kunishima, Masako Miyamoto, Hiroshi Fukunaga
Lighting Practice :
  1. Field measurement on nocturnal outdoor illuminance over a large area in Tottori prefecture
    Nobuaki Ochi
  2. Lighting installation of Hirayama tunnel(for Gifu) of Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway
    Hayato Ito, Kimitoshi Kuboki, Masanori Yokoyama, Masaaki Hayakawa, Yuko Kashiwagi
  3. Entrance canopy lighting of The Windsor Hotel TOYA Resort & Spa
    Kenji Koide, Toshiteru Kojima, Yoshihiko Murakawa, Hisato Murai, Yutaka Inaba, Hiroshi Matsuo
  4. Advanced light control system using general infrared sensor
    Takeshi Kamimura, Katsuhiko Sakata
  5. An Example of daylighting and light control system in industrial manufacturing area
    Shinji Haruyama, Hisashi Tanaka, Koichiro Nakada, Tomoaki Shikakura
  6. Lighting installation of Hida tunnel of Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway
    Masanori Yokoyama, Yasushi Kawamura, Shinichiro Azuma, Tomiki Yokota
  7. Maintenance factor of tunnel lighting installation
    Masaaki Hayakawa, Yuko Kashiwagi, Kunio Toeda, Tsuyoshi Sugawara, Sho�etsu Sakamoto
  8. Impression of the colour blue and the blue streetlight between Japanese and Scottish students
    Haruyo Ohno, Rumi Tokunaga
Lighting Design :
  1. Development of lighting design method based on the Genetic Algorithm
    Sayaka Nakada, Nozomu Yoshizawa, Hitoshi Takeda, Manabu Kanematsu
  2. Lighting design of H•N Medic Kitahiroshima
    Keiko Kikuchi, Koichiro Ishiguro, Shisei Hashimoto
Psychology and Physiology of Vision:
  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Blue Street Lighting
    Saeri Takahashi, Yukio Akashi
  2. The effect of early morning exposure to blue light on alertness and circadian rhythm
    Sachi Yamada, Yukio Akashi, Hiroshi Abe, Hiroki Noguchi, Natsumi Arai, Mai Tsunoda, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masayuki Iigou
  3. Body temperature and melatonin supression under different spectral power distribution conditions
    Chiaki Shimizu, Yukio Akashi, Hiroshi Abe, Hiroki Noguchi, Natsumi Arai, Mai Tsunoda, Yshihiro Watanabe, Masayuki Iigou
  4. Study on Adaptation Luminance in Visual Field Under Complex Luminance Distribution —The Influence of Spectral Distribution of The Visual Object on Luminance Difference Threshold—
    Yoko Ikegami, Youko Inoue, Naoya Hara
  5. Basic Study on the Visibility of a Solid Object Part-8
    Relationship between the visibility of the surface border of cubic object and various visual easiness scores

    Mikiko Nakamura, Ryuji Satoh, Shino Okuda
  6. A Study on the indices of sight of edge in Architectural space
    Yoshiki Motohashi, Nozomu Yoshizawa, Hitoshi Takeda
  7. Estimation of the Optimum spectrum for Color-barrier-free Illumination
    Tatsuya Nagai, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Hideki Yamaguchi
  8. The effect of yellowing human crystalline lens on visual performance at mesopic light levels
    Keiko Nakagawa, Yukio Akashi, Shouichi Asahi
  9. The perception of brightness under mesopic vision
    Kimitaka Shirakura, Yukio Akashi
  10. Effect of driving-waveform on perceived luminance improvement by pulsed LED
    Mitsuhide Abe, Keiji Morita, Yudai Tomita, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  11. Effective Intensity of blinking light in LED light
    M. Momose, M. Matusi, Y. Yosida, M. Kamijo, S. Kobayashi
  12. Brightness sensation of clothes and skin illuminated by light sources with different spectral characteristic
    Yuho Tagawa, Masayoshi Kamijo, Shoji Kobayashi
  13. Effect of Interior Chromaticness on Perceived Space Brightness
    Toshiaki Tamoi, Hideki Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Shinoda
  14. Color constancy in photograph and painting images
    Ayae Tajima, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
  15. Indication method of visual texture by surface —Relationship between transparent material and translucency—
    Kanami Sugita, Shigeko Kitamura
  16. A Study on Light Phenomena —Relation between Brightness and Fluorence—
    Hironori Hosokawa, Hitoshi Takeda, Nozomu Yoshizawa
  17. Influence of Mental Work Load on Functional Visual Field
    Shunsuke Shimokawa, Masayoshi Kamijo, Shoji Kobayashi
  18. Study on Binocular Colour Fusion Limit in case of peripheral vision
    Xiaolin Qin, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima
  19. Spectral Sensitivity of Non-Image-Forming Vision - Pupillary light reflex at scotopic levels
    Yasuko Koga, Youko Amano, Motoharu Takao
  20. Prediction model of Light-induced Melatonin Suppression
    Yoshika Takahashi, Tetsuo Katsuura, Yoshihiro Shimomura, Koichi Iwanaga
  21. The Study on Effect of Monochromatic Light on Arousal Level of Human
    Toshie Iwata, Motoharu Takao, Tota Ueda, Kensuke Nagayoshi
  22. Comparison of Perceived Effective Intensity of Double Flashing Lights with Quantity of Lights
    Koichi Ikeda, Masaharu Nakayama, Kenichiro Nakamura, Tomohiko Shinozaki, Kota Kanazawa, Yoshiyuki Suzuki
  23. Study on visibility of afterglow phosphorescent pigment-based sign
    Tadashi Doi, Hideki Sakai, Akiko Oka, Tomoyo Yamaguchi
  24. Method for evaluation of eye strain in short time
    Hirokuni Higashi, Hideki Yamaguchi, Rumi Yamada, Hiroyuki Shinoda
  25. Color appearance of object colors at various correlated color temperature and illuminance
    Akira Yujiri, Daisuke Sanada, Takaharu Miyoshi
  26. (Canceled)
  27. Study on Description Method of Visual Appearance
    —Measurement of Goniophotometric Curves by use of Textures of the Unified Colour

    Shigeko Kitamura, Kanami Sugita
  28. A Study on Impression Evaluation of Projected Luminance Distribution on Concave Corner
    Hirotaka Suzuki
  29. Basic examination of LED lighting for reduced concentration lack under the noise
    Hajime Izumi
  30. Influence on the demand of the brightness in a space by color temperature of light source
    Mika Kato, Katsuaki Sekiguchi
  31. Difference of Space Brightness with Color Temperature of Illumination
    Hideki Yamaguchi, Syuhei Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Shinoda
LED Lighting :
  1. Portable full-color LED lighting panel
    Shigeharu Tamura, Kotaro Takahama, Takashi Hiraga
  2. Visual perceiving experiment on color rendering properties and consideration on applicability of CIE color rendering evaluation method to white LEDs
    Yayoi Nakamura, Masako Saito, Fusao Hoshino, Fumiko Ito, Kohtaro Kohmoto
  3. Research on effect of psychology that hue of lighting causes —In full colored LED light source—
    Hitoshi Ishizaka, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu
  4. Appearances of fabrics illuminated by LED lighting
    Maiko Kusano, Toshie Iwata
  5. Glare evaluation of white LED
    Tomonori Tashiro, Shunsuke Kohko, Takako Kimura-Minoda, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Miyoshi Ayama
  6. Practice of Mechatronic Education Carried out with Development of Various LED Lighting Systems
    Hisashi Ito, Akiko Nakagawa, Katsutoshi Watanabe
  7. Development of high efficiency self-ballasted LED Lamp
    Takeshi Hisayasu, Masahiko Kamata
  8. Radiation Cooling Effects on White Light Emitting Diode Temperature with an Alumina Body of High Infrared Emissivity Material
    Keisuke Shinagawa, Motonobu Nishimura, Shuji Hirokawa, Yasunaga Muto
  9. Development of the line-shaped LED lighting equipment with uniform light
    Yasuo Nakazawa, Naoki Yotsumoto, Atsushi Hatakeyama, Kouichi Sugawara, Takaaki Maruyama
  10. Development of 2000 lm class high efficiency LED downlight
    Kazunari Higuchi, Takayoshi Moriyama, Mitsuhiko Nishiie
  11. The development of a white LED lighting enabling energy saving /extension of life and a source of light deterioration diagnosis PART2
    Hisaki Itsuki, Takashi Mezaki, Toshiyuki Kakuchi
  12. Development of high efficiency LED security streetlight luminaires
    Masahiro Toda, Masako Takasago, Hiroshi Terasaka
  13. LED compact lighting sign be adopt
    Masaki Shimuta, Yoshitaka Iwaya, Chikara Sujita
  14. Fundamental study of LED fishing lights for squid fishing
    Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohsawa, Shinichi Oeda, Satoshi Kobayashi, Masahiro Moniwa, Hiroshi Matsuzaki, Hirotaka Yoshino, Makoto Harada, Kenji Asakura, Hiromitsu Ishii
  15. Development of Luminaire for color hologram
    Junko Baba, Hisashi Asakawa, Moriaki Wakaki, Takehisa Shibuya
Optical Devices and Display :
  1. Gas pressure characteristic of decay rate of Ne metastable atom in cold cathode fluorescent lamps
    Miki Goto, Toshihiro Shono, Toshihiko Arai
  2. Development of Hg Dispenser for CCFL
    Masaki Kibe, Keiko Kurata, Hikoji Okuyama
  3. Ultraviolet-light emission from Si-ion implanted fused-silica substrates
    K. Miura, M. Honmi, O. Hanaizumi, S. Yamamoto, A. Inoue, M. Yoshikawa
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry :
  1. Consideration on the Remote Monitoring System for Simultaneous Multi-points Illuminance Measurement
    Yutaka Shiratori, Takayuki Hattori, XiuHong Chen, Yoshikazu Araki, Masayuki Sakano
  2. Development of the calibration facility for LED luminous intensity and luminous flux at JEMIC
    N. Nagai, T. Shirai, K. Godo, I. Saito
  3. Examining the method of measurement for skylight luminance distribution taking into account the chromaticity necessary to create multiple light sources for the photorealistic rendering of buildings
    Takaharu Miyoshi, Takayoshi Kido, Akira Yujiri, Katsumi Tadamura
  4. Evaluation of indoor calibration method for solar UV-B radiometer —Result of using spectral correction factor and its problems—
    Shu Takeshita
  5. Evaluation of the measuring error by spatial nonuniformity of integrating sphere response
    Toshihide Iwanaga, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Hirotaka Nakamura
  6. Some problems on luminous flux measurement of HP LEDs
    Qian Weidong, Fusao Hoshino, Masataka Takiue, Kohtaro Kohmoto
  7. Reduction of the stray light in polycrometer
    Hiroyuki Sano, Tutomu Mizuguchi, Kazuaki Ohkubo
  8. Absolute quantum efficiency measurement for lamp phosphors 2
    Kazuaki Ohkubo, Suguru Irie, Yasuo Nakagawa
  9. Optical properties of diffusers processed with plasma spraying technique
    Hiroshi Shitomi, Shinobu Ito
  10. Development of the illuminance responsivity standard
    K. Kinoshita, K. Godo, I. Saito
  11. Research on realization method of the candela using spectroradiometric approach
    K. Godo, Y. Ichino, H. Shitomi, T. Zama, I. Saito
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry:
  1. Noninvasive measurement of blood glucose based on attenuated total reflection spectrum
    Kazuya Honda, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Yuki Miyauchi
  2. Noninvasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Based on Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectrum
    Yuki Miyauchi, Kazuya Honda, Hiroaki Ishizawa
  3. Application of Laser Optical Measurement System for Plant Growing
    Satoshi Shintani, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Masaki Kawamura, Takashi Miki
  4. Analysis of photoenvironmental responses of oyster mushroom mycelia by using blue LED —Elucidation of photoresponse mechanisms on the basis of gene expression analysis—
    Yoko Nakano, Masanobu Kojima
  5. Fluorescence distribution measurement at the cellular level in Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis )
    Atsushi Takatama, Yukihiro Masaki, Kazuki Murata, Tamotsu Okamoto, Yuko Ohno-Kakazu, Shinishi Oeda, Kunio Takahashi, Toshihiro Hayashi, Yushi Shimada
  6. Progress of fluorescence distribution by red rot disease in Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis )
    Kazuki Murata, Yukihiro Masaki, Atsushi Takatama, Tamotsu Okamoto, Yuko Ohno-Kakazu, Shinichi Oeda, Kunio Takahashi, Toshihiro Hayashi, Yushi Shimada
  7. Qualitative Analysis of Dyed Textile Cultural Properties by Laser Induced Fluorescence
    Shota Tokutake, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Takashi Miki
  8. Measurement on Surface Roughness of Stainless Steel by Laser Speckle
    Masaki Kawamura, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Satoshi Shintani
  9. Fog Concentration Measurement System by LED Light
    Ryousuke Suzuki, Hitoshi Kouno, Eiichiro Momma, Hiromitsu Ishii, Takashi Ono, Souichi Sudou, Junichi Hozumi
  10. Effect of two wavelength regions irradiation in sterilization using xenon iodide excilamp
    Hideki Motomura, Mykola Guivan, Masafumi Jinno
  11. Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Fiber Mixtures by Optical Sensing
    Takashi Miki, Shouta Tokutake, Hiroaki Ishizawa
  12. Infrared spectroscopic evaluation of wine characteristics
    Yoshiko Sugimoto, Kenichiro Suehara, Mikihito Kanou, Takaharu Kameoka, Atsushi Hashimoto
New Application of Optical Radiation :
  1. Reflected Spectrum Measurement of Multiple Fiber Bragg Gratings for Optical Strain Gage
    Yukitaka Shinoda, Daichi Miyata, Kenichi Nagai, Yu Sasaki, Izumi Ogura, Takashi Higo
  2. Fabrication of luminescent nanocrystalline silicon particles modified amino group by silane solution
    Akihisa Miyagawa, Yuichi Murata, Kohki Fujioka, Kenji Hirakuri, Kenji Yamamoto
  3. Luminescence and electrical properties of Phosphorus-doped nc-Si particles
    Kazuki Niino, Keisuke Sato, Kenji Hirakuri
  4. Studies on the inhibition of potato sprouting by irradiation with various lights
    Kazuo Harada, Sakan Inaba