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  • Notice Regarding Application for Audience Participation, Reception Attendance, and Receiving the Collected Papers - 2009 Annual Conference of the IEI-J (Pre-registration)

Notice Regarding Application for Audience Participation, Reception Attendance, and Receiving the Collected Papers - 2009 Annual Conference of the IEI-J (Pre-registration)

We are going to accept preliminary applications for audience participation, reception attendance, and collected papers receiving in regard to the 2009 Annual Conference of IEI-J.

Please proceed with the pre-registration through the website. You can not apply for lodging or travel arrangements with this page.

The following people are eligible for application through this screen:

  1. Presenters who want to attend the reception (no need for those who have already made an application for attendance to the reception) or who want have more than one set of the collected papers. (Presenters get one set of the collected papers free of charge. The audience participation fee for the presenter is included in the participation fee for the presenter.)
  2. Those who want to be an audience participant .
  3. Students who want to attend the reception or who want to have the collected papers.

Application for Presentation at the 2009 Annual Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan

Participation Fee

Audience Participation Fee :

This fee is for the two days of August 27 and 28, 2009.

Members * ¥7,000 (incl. tax) with one set of collected papers and CD/ROM
Non-members ¥16,000 (incl. tax) with one set of collected papers and CD/ROM
Students Free of charge (without any collected papers or CD/ROM)
* Members are:

Individual members of this institute; the Japan Institute of Electrical Engineers; the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan; the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan; and the Information Processing Society of Japan, as well as those of overseas institutes with exchange agreements (the Illuminating Engineering Society of Northern America, the Illumination Engineering Institute of China, the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, and the IEEE). 

Participation fee for the Reception :

At the Sapporo Korakuen Hotel from 18:00 August 27, 2009  (15 minutes of walk from the Sapporo Station)

General ¥6,000 (incl. tax)
Students ¥3,000 (incl. tax)

(A shuttle bus will be available between the Hokkaido Institute of Technology and the hotel.)

Collected Papers :

One set of collected papers is included in the audience participation fee, except for students.

Students and those who want to purchase an additional set of collected papers   ¥4,000 (incl. tax)

(Reference) Participation fee when registering on the day

[Audience Participation Fee] 

(Valid for 2 days from August 27 and 28, audience participation fee for one day only is not available.)
Members ¥9,000 (incl. tax)  Non-members  ¥18,000 (incl. tax)
(both with one set of collected papers and a CD-ROM)
Student is free of charge (without collected papers)

[Participation Fee for the Reception]

At the Sapporo Korakuen Hotel from 18:00 August 27
General   ¥6,000 (incl. tax)     Students  ¥3,000 (incl. tax)
Since there might be the case that participation on the day is not possible due to the limited size of the reception room, please  pre-register as far in advance as possible.

[Collected Papers]

One set is included in the audience participation fee.
Students and those who want to purchase additional sets     ¥5,000

How to make an Application

  1. Please open the screen for application (to be available in early June). Please refer to the below for the recommended environment at the time of making application.
  2. Please input the required information.
    Payment of the participation fee by credit card alone is accepted. As for the details, please refer to the “Payment Method for the Participation Fee” below.
  3. When the registration is completed, an email message notifying you of the completion of the registration will be sent to your registered email address. Upon receipt of the message, please print out the email “completion of registration” and show the same to the receptionist for pre-registration on the day of the conference.
    If you find trouble (such as garbage characters), please inform the IEI-J contact as shown below .
  4. Deadline of Application: 17:00 July 31 (Fri.), 2009  (Application screen will be closed then.)
    Application on and after August 1 will be handled as the day registration.


  • On August 28, 2009 the CJK Lighting Symposium will be held at the Hokkaido Institute of Technology. Those who attend the annual conference as an audience participant are eligible to participate in this symposium. (If you want to participate in other events to be held as symposiums, registration for attendance to such symposium is needed.)


  1. Please make registration by the same name only once.
  2. Changes or cancellation of the registered contents can not be made on the website.
    Please inform such changes, if any, to the following contact address by email or FAX.


The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
 Attn. Annual Conference Section
Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
zip code:101-0048 
Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102
E-mail address: committee(at)ieij.or.jp (change "(at)" into "@")

 Recommended Environment 

Please ensure that the following environment is satisfied before you make your application. It is probable that trouble such as “no application screen shown” and “the email notification of the completion of the registration turns out as garbage” is attributable to the use of another system and software, old versions, and β versions.

Recommended Environment for Web Application
  Windows Mac
OS Windows XP and thereafter MacOS X 10.3 and thereafter
Browser Internet Explorer 6 and thereafter
FireFox 2 and thereafter
Safari 2.0 and thereafter
FireFox 2 and thereafter
Mail software Outlook Express
Windows mail

Payment Method for the Participation Fee

Settlement by Credit Card alone.

VISA and MasterCard can be used.

For the credit card settlement, BlueGate Service provided by NTT DATA CORPORATION is used.
Credit card settlement is limited to a lump sum payment.
The BlueGate Service works with the “VISA authentication service” of VISA and the “MasterCard SecureCode” of MasterCard, which are to prevent improper use of the cards.
Since the credit card number and so on are handled by the BlueGate Service, our institute does not hold any information associated with the credit cards.

If you need a receipt issued by our institution, please check the box of “issue a receipt” on the application acceptance screen.

* Payment by bank transfer, cash hand delivered or sent by registered postal cash envelope    can not be accepted.