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  • Request for Presentations at the 2007 (40th) Annual Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan

Request for Presentations at the 2007 (40th) Annual Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan

Date: August 23 (Thu.) ~ 24 (Fri.), 2007
Place: Fukuoka Institute of Technology
(3-30-1 Washiro-higashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Pref., Japan)

We hereby invite applications for presentations at the 2007 Annual Conference.

Applications may be made during the period of March 27 (Tue.) through April 10 (Tue.). Applications outside this period can not be accepted.

The Registration Form for the Presentation Application is shown in the home page; applicants should refer to it.

Please refer to the “Notes for the PDF File Preparation” and “Guideline for Summary Paper Preparation,” which are also shown on the homepage.

Qualifications for applicants

(A) Applications are open in principle to individual members of this institute, the Japan Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan, and the Information Processing Society of Japan. Members of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Northern America, the Illumination Engineering Institute of China, the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand, and members of the IEEE are also regarded as members. Joint presentations with members and non-members also are allowed.

(B) Those who do not fall under category (A) may make a special application. (The procedure is the same for domestic and overseas presenters.)

Language for presentation

The language to be used for the presentation and for the summary should be Japanese or English. It is not required that the languages for the presentation and for the summary be the same.

Kinds of presentations and time limits

(I) Oral presentation (Lecture 15 minutes, question-and-answer session 5 minutes)

(II) Poster presentation with a short presentation; please make an oral presentation for five minutes during the first day, and then please stand by in front of the poster and be prepared to discuss it as required during the discussion time. Discussion time; 1 hour and 30 minutes on the first day and 1 hour on the second day.
There is no restriction on the contents of the presentations. Those whose age is less than 25 at the time of registration (for students, less than 30) must participate, in principle, in the poster presentations, which are eligible for the excellent poster presentation award. (The award is presented at the get-together reception on the first day.) Scheduling for the poster presentations will be arranged so that there is no time conflict with the oral presentations. (There might be need to change the kinds of oral presentations and poster presentations in view of the program arrangement.)

Contents of presentation

  • As-yet-unannounced recent studies or results that are related to the following fields are appropriate topics. However, applications will be rejected if the content is judged to be inappropriate.

  • (1) Light sources, circuits, and discharge phenomena [I] (related to incandescent and fluorescent lamps)
    (2) Light sources, circuits, and discharge phenomena [II] (HID lamps, LEDs, and others)
    (3) Illuminating appliances
    (4) Illuminating theory
    (5) Lighting planning (Interior lighting, outdoor lighting, daylight utilization, visual environment planning, and scenery lighting)
    (6) Practice of lighting (Examples of implementation, facilities, and power distribution systems)
    (7) Lighting design
    (8) Visual perception psychology, visual perception physiology
    (9) LED lighting
    (10) Light-related materials devices and displays
    (11) Photometry, colorimetry, and radiation measuring
    (12) Application of light radiation
    (13) New fields related to the application of light

Application restrictions

(1) In principle, the presentation by one person is limited to one item per person. However, one presenter may participate in another presentation as a joint presenter with another presenter. This is not permitted if the content of the joint presentation is too similar to that of the individual's presentation.

(2) In principle, the copyright of the papers to be published in the collected presentation papers belongs to this institute. (Please contact the head office for details.)

(3) It is requested that the person who makes the short poster presentation also covers the discussion time. (When different persons cover these two periods, the presentation will not be eligible for an award.)

How to apply for a presentation

(1) The basic procedure is to register using the Registration Form for Presentation Application on the web site (homepage). If you do not complete the registration, it is regarded that there has been no formal registration. By the way, the website's Registration Form will be shown in the home page well in advance but the button for submitting the application on the form will be active only during the registration period.

(2) Access difficulties are anticipated during the last several days of the application period due to access line congestion. Since the line is open 24 hours a day, please wait and try to apply later. If you make apply one week or more before the last day, there will be no congestion and smooth registration will be possible.

Period of acceptance of registration for presentation application

14: 00, Tuesday, March 27 – 14: 00, Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Requirements for submission of the summary paper

Applicants are required to submit a summary paper.

Please submit the summary paper by e-mail as an attachment in PDF format.

Regarding the PDF file, please refer to "Notes for the PDF File Preparation" on the home page.
Regarding the documentary form, please refer to the “Guideline for Summary Paper Preparation” on the homepage.

Submission of the files by hard copy can be accepted only when fonts that can not be processed by this institute are used.

Period to accept the submitted summary paper for presentation

[1] PDF summary paper
Time limit for submission: Due no later than 17: 00, Tuesday, April 10, 2007

[2] Summary paper by hard copy (when submission by PDF is not feasible)
The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
 Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr. Shinichi Miyao]
Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102

Time limit for submission: Due no later than 17: 00, Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Address for submission of PDF summary paper

(1) Please send to the following e-mail address with the attached PDF file:
committee(at)ieij.or.jp (change "(at)" into "@")
Please put “2007 Annual Conference Draft XXXX” in the subject line of the e-mail with the full name of the main author of the paper in the place denoted by XXXX.
(2) When garbage characters are found in the received PDF summary paper, it will be returned to the sender.
(3) Please e-mail so that the attached file does not become excessively large.

Participation fee for presenter

(A) Category (A) of qualification for application:
1 page of draft: ¥7,000, 2 pages of draft: ¥11,000

(B) Category (B) of qualification for application:
1 page of draft: ¥16,000, 2 pages of draft: ¥19,000

Each includes the participation fee for the conference (auditing) and one set of collected presentation papers. Extra copies are not available.

 The above does not include the participation fee for a joint presenter. Regarding the participation fee for a joint presenter, please proceed with “advanced registration” for a participant as  audience. Even if the presenter is a student, the above scheme applies.

Payment of participation fee

(1) Please make payment to the bank account as shown in the debit note that will be sent to you .
(2) Payment by cash or by registered postal cash envelope can not be accepted.

Contact for inquiry

The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr. Shinichi Miyao]

Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102
E-mail address: committee(at)ieij.or.jp (change "(at)" into "@")

(Weekday 9:00 - 17:20)

+ The Study and Education Aid Committee has changed the evaluation method for grant determination for the encouraged study themes. Now, when a student aged below 30 receives an award for an excellent poster presentation at the 2007 Annual Conference, he will be put in an advantageous position. Therefore, students who have applied to the encouraged studies for the Study and Educational Aids (dead line is January 4, 2007) are encouraged to participate in the poster presentations at the Annual Conference.