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  • Papers Presented at 2006 Annual Conference of IEI-J , August 24-25

Papers Presented at 2006 Annual Conference of IEI-J , August 24-25

1. Date

Thursday 24th and Friday 25th
August 2006

2. Place

Kansai University Senriyama Campus
3-3-35 Yamate-cho

3.  Program

Thursday 24, 9:20-10:25

Short presentation of poster papers at Faculty of Engineering

Thursday 24, 9:20-17:00

Poster session for the above poster papers at 1st floor of Mediapark RINPUKAN
(10:40-12:10  Discussion time for the poster papers)

Thursday 24, 13:00-16:30

IEIJ’s 90th anniversary celebration event at Big Hall 100

  • (1) 13:00-14:30  Anniversary Ceremony
  • (2) 14:35-16:30  Memorial Lecture and Discussion

Thursday 24, 17:00-19:00

Fellowship reception at Kansai University Centenary Memorial Hall

Friday 25, 9:00-12:30

General sessions at Faculty of Engineering

  • (1) Visual Psychology and Physiology(Paper No.60-68) at Room 101
  • (2) Lighting Planning (Paper No.32-38) at Room 102
  • (3) Light Source , Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II) (Paper No.22-28) at Room 107
  • (4) LED Lighting (Paper No.109-117) at Room 202
  • (5) Industrial Application of Radiation and Radio- metry (Paper No.135-143) at Room 207

Friday 25, 9:00-12:30

Special Symposium “Lighting for Crime Prevention and Safety”(Paper No.S01-S06)
at Room 105 of Faculty of Engineering

Friday 25, 9:00-12:30

Poster session for the poster papers at 1st floor of Mediapark RINPUKAN

Friday 25, 13:30-17:20

General sessions at Faculty of Engineering

  • (1) Visual Psychology and Physiology(Paper No.69-79) at Room 101
  • (2) Lighting Planning (Paper No.39-49) at Room 102
  • (3) Light Source , Circuit and Discharge Phenome- non (I) (Paper No.1-10) at Room 107
  • (4) Photometry , Colorimetry and Radiometry(Paper No.131-134),
    Presentations by Members of the China Illumi- nating Engineering Society (Paper No.150-153)
    at Room 207

Friday 25, 13:30-17:20

General Symposia at Faculty of Engineering

  • (1) “Forefront of Measurement Utilizing Infrared Radiation” (Paper No.S07-S15) at Room 105
  • (2) “New Application of LEDs and Technical Trends of White LED Lighting” (Paper No.S17-S23)
    at Room 202

Top of page

4. Papers presented


Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon :

1Characterization of radiant spectrum from tantalium microcavity radiatorHiroshi Kamata
Yumiko Hayashida
Hideki Ohkawa
2Development of compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamp of identical shape with incandescent lampKatsuyuki Kobayashi
Kunihiko Ikada
Hiroshi Kubota
3Silica coating to improve the lumen maintenance of circular fluorescent lampsFumihiro Inagaki
4Study of the solarisation for fluorescent lamp glassesJunko Abe
Tomoko Akai
5Measurement of Ba atom emission from fluorescent lamp electrode using laser-induced fluorescenceGo Yamashita
Aly Hendy Ahmed
Yukihiko Yamagata
Kiichiro Uchino
Takashi Ueda
Yoshio Manabe
6Development of the self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps with function of LED night lightimiyoshi Nagasawa
Ttakeo Yasuda
Hiroshi Kubota
7Development of self-ballasted compact fluorescent lampsTakeshi Hisayasu
Motokazu Okada
Toshiya Tanaka
8A study of luminance decrease mechanism of CCFLsHideki Wada
Takashi Maniwa
Nozomu Hashimoto
Kazuhiro Matsuo
9Improvement in starting performance for cold cathode fluorescent lampsTomokazu Matsuura
Takashi Maniwa
10Devitrification of vitreous silica by a piece of NaCl crystal putted on the surfaceNaohiro Horii
Mitsuru Kamide
Akihiro Inouye
Nobu Kuzuu
11Effect of suppression of devitrification by chlorine-containing silica glassMitsuru Kamide
Naohiro Horii
Akihiro Inouye
Nobu Kuzuu
12Characteristics of a xenon lamp with an external electrodeMasahiro Okamoto
Yuko Imai
Terukazu Matsugi
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
13Color rendering evaluation of xenon Inductively coupled-plasma light sourcesAkira Kondo
Nazri Ahmad
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
14Ultraviolet radiation characteristic of iodine-xenon gas mixtureMasashi Watanabe
Hidefumi Taniuchi
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
15Study on a protection of nitrogen consumption in a nitrogen-argon discharge tube for fluorescent lampsTatsuya Matsuda
Tsuyoshi Sato
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
Kenjiro Toryu
Masafumi Hashimoto
16Characteristic evaluation of cluster emission
-Examination of molybdenum cluster emission dependent on electric discharge gas-
Yuki Takahashi
Seishi Sekine
Masashi Ohkawa
17Study on the radial distribution of the plasma characteristics of electrode-less lampMasahiro Ueda
Tadao Uetsuki
18Study on the dependence of the emission point of fluorescent lamp on the lighting timeHideaki Miyake
Tadao Uetsuki
19Modulated neutral point type step-down inverter of input waveformMasaaki Nakamura
Nabil Muhamad
Yoshito Kato
Nobuo Takahashi
Ichiro Yokozeki
20Intelligent lighting system based on autonomous distributed controlEmi Asayama
Mitsunori Miki
Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
Motoi Yonezawa
Kazuhiro Imazato
21Intelligent lighting system by centralized controlMitsunori Miki
Kazuhiro Goto
Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
22Development of high efficacy ceramic metal halide lampAtsushi Utsubo
Yukiya Kanazawa
Hiroshi Nohara
23Development of high efficacy ceramic metal halide Lamp 230WYoshimasa Takahashi
Tsune Miyashita
Yoshio Takano
24Development of high output ceramic metal halide lampKazuhiko Kawasaki
Kuniaki Nakano
Shinji Taniguchi
Jiro Honda
Haruo Furukubo
25Study of efficient cooling closed light source for projectors
-Development of reflector for High pressure mercury lamp-
Sakae Saitoh
Itsuro Kikkawa
Tadao Kyomoto
26Studies of current waveforms to reduce flickering in super high pressure mercury lampsMasayuki Kobayashi
Takashi Ibi
Takayuki Satoh
Masashi Igarashi
27Development of 20,000 lm electrodeless fluorescent lamp systemKohji Hiramatsu
Atsunori Okada
28A Study of high power and high efficiency ballast for electrodeless lampShingo Masumoto
Akira Nakajo
Shohei Yamamoto
Hiroshi Kido

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Lighting Theory

29Development of a simple method for determining upward flux from night sky luminanceKanako Kurata
Toshie Iwata
30Calculation of sphered illuminance by use of law of solid corner projectionTakashi Higo
Kaoru Inoue
Hideaki Matsumae
Yukitaka Shinoda
Yoshio Sasaki
31Construction of simultaneous multi-points illuminance measurement system for evaluation of the perception of luminous classroom environments using liquid crystal projector(6)Yoshikazu Araki
Masayuki Sakano
Daisuke Tanaka
Lei Chen

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Lighting Planning

32A visualization method of lighting field making use of discretely directional luminous vector calculated by endless regular polygonal prismHirotaka Suzuki
33Lighting conditions as predictor variables of students' satisfaction of lecture roomsTsutomu Yaya
Kiyoe Takagi
34Predict utilization factors within shadow under Task Ambient Lighting
-Affect of reflectance of room surfaces-
Akira Uchida
Yoshihiko Ohtani
35Luminous environment evaluation of the task and ambient lighting system using LED's PART2Toshihide Mori
Wataru Iwai
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Takao Korai
36Lighting and evaluation in a mock-up living room by the subjectsMiwako Tokura
Yasuhiro Miki
37Installation of solar radiation and daylight meas- urement system in OsakaNorio Igawa
Kazuo Emura
Hideyo Nimiya
Takuro Kikuchi
38Appearance of the objects in a space daylit from mirror duct systemEtsuko Mochizuki
Makiko Arai
Shin-ichi Tanabe
Kouichi Kaihou
Osamu Nagase
39Study of the maintenance factor for tunnel lighting systemKimikazu Sugino
Hayato Ito
Sho'etsu Sakamoto
40Simulation of maintenance factor for tunnel lighting based on density of soot and smokeSatoshi Hirakawa
Motohisa Sato
Shigeru Konishi
Sho'etsu Sakamoto
41Study on installation height and installation spacing of LED guide-lightTakuji Uozumi
Masashi Oda
Hiroshi Namiki
42A study of safety measures on the intersection lightingShunsuke Kohko
Takeshi Ishikura
Yoshitaka Kato
43Stady for a performance rule of a road lighting standardNoboru Inukai
Keiichi Ikehara
Kunihiko Oka
44Effect of safety and energy saving with sensor in security lightingYasuyuki Takashima
Noriaki Hirakawa
45Study on the street lighting considering the adaptation of the eyeTadashi Doi
Hideki Sakai
Tamaki Takenaka
Yuriko Yamashita
Mina Ando
46Selection of the street landscape in TOYAMA
-The dayscape and the nightscape-
Shinichi Nagayama
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Hiroyuki Kohno
47Research on the color for Toyama cityHiroshi Sawa
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
48Lighting design of Hakodate City Central LibraryRika Hirano
Takeshi Watanabe
49Lighting facilities of Akitakenritu Akitameitokukan high schoolYukihiro Saitou
Takashi Konno
Junichi Takahashi
50A survey on lumimous environment of apartments constructed by the Housing and Urban development corporation in Osaka
-Case study in Osaka-
Yumika Yamazaki
Haruyo Ohno
51Survey on road lighting technologyOsamu Minoshima
Kunihiko Oka
Keiichi Ikehara
52Visibility at the entrance of tunnel
-Comparison between silhouette vision and reversed silhouette vision-
Hayato Ito
Atsuhiro Oshima
Shinya Yamada
Motohisa Sato
Miyoshi Ayama
53Evaluation on color rendering effect of landscape lightingHiroshi Yamazaki
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
54Study on the estimation for difference of color of street lighting with model experimentYuka Yoshimura
Michico Iwata
55A study about decision of the most suitable illumination condition in store illuminationKei Shimizu
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yukio Okamura
Kenji Nemoto
56The effect of light distribution on the illuminance and satisfaction for relaxation Part1
-At the experimental chamber-
Maki Nishimura
Kyoko Ishida
Youko Inoue
57The effect of light distribution on the illuminance and satisfaction for relaxation Part2
-At the practical chamber-
Kyoko Ishida
Maki Nishimura
Youko Inoue
58Evaluation on window screen performance to keep visibility of outside viewDaisuke Itoh
Toshie Iwata
Koichi Oikawa
59Field measurements on the effects of the light court on daylighting and visual comfort in an office spaceYuming Wei
Shinsuke Watanabe
Etsuko Mochizuki
Shin-ichi Tanabe
Hiroaki Takai
Yasuhiro Shiratori

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Visual Psychology and Physiology

60Relationship between EEG and monochromatic lightHirokuni Higashi
Takashi Ichijo
Tetsuo Katsuura
Hwaja Lee
Yoshika Takahashi
61Alternation in the visual ability and the eyestrain caused by visual tasksHideki Yamaguchi
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Hirokuni Higashi
62Relationship between background luminance and �Contrast glare� and �Amount glare�Daisuke Itoh
Toshie Iwata
63Haze estimation of crystalline lens by visual acuity measurementKenichi Watanabe
Hiroyuki Shinoda
64Visibility of text presented on an LCD display with inhomogeneous background in luminance distributionTaka-aki Suzuki
Takashi Funai
Takeshi Haracuchi
Yuko Sato
Shigeru Hasegawa
Katsunori Okajima
65Influence that method of presenting sight display gives to information acquisitionMotoki Kano
Mika Kato
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
66Effect of colorfulness of human-computer interface screen on visual searchKazuhiro Sassa
Atsuko Kawaguchi
Shouji Inada
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
67The influence of auditory load on visual information processingMamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Syouji Inada
Kazuhiro Sassa
68The study of appropriate illumination to historical constructionsQiuye Yang
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
69Study on the effect of light color on visual environment
-The investigation Security Lighting by using blue light in AKISHINO TOWN NARA-
Youko Inoue
Shuji Sudani
Toshinari Matsui
70Perceived whiteness of whitish objects with extremely low chromaIchiro Katayama
Kazuyoshi Masumi
Tsutomu Aoki
71 Improvements of CIE94, CIEDE2000 and CMC formulae based on comparing predicted colour- differences with perceived colour-differences Fuyuki Hosokawa
Satoshi Fujimura
Shinpei Fukuda
Yukinobu Uotani
Yoshihiko Inaba
Satoshi Matuzaki
Masaharu Nakayama
Koichi Ikeda
72Appearance of object color when the adaptation of eyes shifted from light adaptation to dark adaptationKazuo Sendai
shu Jiang
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
73Color vision in the small visual angles
-In peripheral vision-
Keita Kumaki
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Tetsuya Fujita
74A study of optimal LCD colors for the elderly
-Quantification of the color vision properties at low brightness-
Tetsuya Fujita
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
75Research on the best display brightness of LED traffic information boardYuuki Ishimura
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Santarou Nakajima
Ken-ichi Mima
76Visual perception of color contrasts urban several Lighting conditionsMasami Kono
Haruyo Ohno
Kotaro Takahama
Takashi Hiraga
Shigeharu Tamura
Naoya Hara
Taro Noguchi
77Evaluation of softness of light judged from shadowMika Kato
Mayuko Kimura
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
78Survey on the lighting environment for the low-vision in walking at night
-Field survey on the landmark of the walking street
Michico Iwata
Shino Okuda
Wataru Iwai
Takuji Uozumi
Hiroshi Ohya
Katsunori Okajima
Koichi Oda
Yasuhiro Kodaira
Naoto Tanaka
Shigeru Chiba
Yoshiki Nakamura
Toshiaki Hara
Toshinari Matsui
Kenji Mukai
Tetsuo Yamaya
Takeshi Yanagisawa
79Survey on the lighting environment for the low-vision in walking at night
-Questionnaire survey on the lighting environment of the walking street-
Michico Iwata
Shino Okuda
Wataru Iwai
Takushi Uozumim
Hiroshi Ohya
Katsunori Okajima
Koichi Oda
Yasuhiro Kodaira
Naoto Tanaka
Shigeru Chiba
Yoshiki Nakamura
Toshiaki Hara
Toshinari Mmatsui
Kenji Mukai
Tetsuo Yamaya
Takeshi Yanagisawa
80Model of visual system to flash light using neural networkKenichi Ohno
Shinya Watanabe
Eiichiro Momma
Takashi Ono
Hiromitsu Ishii
81Spectral sensitivity of ipRGC-related biological effect
-Influence of visual angle on pupillary light reflex-
Yoshika Takahashi
Tetsuo Katsuura
Koichi Iwanaga
Yoshihiro Shimomura
82Decrease of effective visual field on driving fatigueTomoaki Otani
Akinori Yamada
Takashi Irikura
83Change of binocular disparity limits in retinal foveaDamin Qin
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
84Discrimination threshold of binocular color fusion studied with three-dimensional displayXiaolin Qin
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
85A fundamental study on the influence of visual information to illuminated space predictionJun Tomoishi
Naoyuki Oi
86Study on adaptation luminance with visual fields of complicated luminance contrast
-Consideration directivity of luminance difference threshold and addition of increasing amount of adaptation luminance-
Yoko Ikegami
Naoya Hara
Yoko Inoue
Tarow Noguchi
87The effects of foveal task load on peripheral target detection in mesopic light levelsChieko Ishikura
Yukio Akashi
Sueko Kanaya
88Effect of different illumination on physiological responses and perceived exertion during exerciseMitsuru Saito
89Glare evaluation using brightness imageTakefumi Hashimoto
Yoshiki Nakamura
90Perception of temporal changes in illuminance at a slow rateMegumi Kawarabayashi
Taiichiro Ishida
91Reduction in uncomfortable sensation at transient light adaptationGo Tsukahara
Takashi Irikura
92Experimental study on light-matching of two colors by flicker photometryTaiki Gokurakuji
Susumu Ozaki
93Relationship between zero-grayness luminance and perceived brightness of spectrum colorsHideki Sakai
Yoshinobu Nayatani
94LED auxiliary light for improving the visibility of Elderly PeopleSyunntarou Matsubara
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Santarou Nakajima
95The analysis of elemental color scaling with CIECAM02Syoichi Oyama
Hirohisa Yaguchi
Takayoshi Moriyama
96Study on the readability of the chromatic documents considering color vision differencesYuya Konishi
Naoya Hara
Tarow Noguchi
97LED traffic signal light which considered people of a color blindHiroshi Nakajima
Makoto Kaburaki
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Ken-ichi Mima
Santarou Nakajima
98The idea of Color-Barrier-Free lightingAtsushi Nishii
Hiroyuki Shinoda
99Basic research on LED display for barrier-free which considered eldery
-On LED display-
Masahiro Sakagami
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
Santaro Nakajima
Kenichi Mima
100Water droplet size and density of fog effect in visual
-Characteristics of colored LED light-
Arief Kumiawan Bobsy
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
101The influence of the life action on daily variation of visibility
-The case of elderly people-
Aya Kato Youko Inoue
102Basic study on the visibility of a solid object -Part3
-Relationship between the setting direction of a object and the evaluation-
Mikiko Nakamura
Ryuji Satoh
Shino Okuda
103Improvement in the learning environment of the children with partially sighted who utilized the lighting installationTakeshi Yamada
Tuyoshi Sashima
104Study on night-vision image presentation using HUDYudai Fujita
Kazumoto Morita
Yoshifumi Kawaguchi
Takashi Sato
Miyoshi Ayama
105Examination of prediction precision of evaluation method for easily moving up and down steps in consideration of prediction precision
-About outdoor stairs-
Kasumi Funatsu
Nami Nishimura
Youko Inoue
106Idea creation support system from space with graphical contents
-a view affecting meeting-
Kensuke Banno
Mitsuru Mimura
Tsutomu Miyasato
107Study on hue of solution and effect of psychology--On bath oil-Lanhui Qian
Yoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
Sunao Fuzii
Ukinori Saeki
Nagomi Nakamura
108Light phenomena
-Reconsideration from a phenomenological view by Merleau-Ponty / Experi- ments on the volume colour-
Chiho Suzuki
Nozomu Yoshizawa
Hitoshi Takeda

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LED Lighting

109Characteristic evaluation on color changing LED lighting moduleNaoki Yoshida
Kohtaro Kohmoto
110Illumination characteristics on the mixing LED cluster lighting using both AlInGaP Red-LED and InGaN White-LEDYuji Uchida
Tsunemasa Taguchi
111Study of the color control on the irradiation plane using separation type novel RGB-LEDsHiroyuki Yoshioka
Kazuya Mishiro
Yuji Uchida
Tunemasa Taguchi
112Illumination characteristics of the dual separation-cluster type white LED lighting model (WELDS_II_)Yuji Uchida
Tsunemasa Taguchi
113Lighting characteristics of warm-white LED and greenish-white LED using near-ultraviolet LED and newly developed phosphorsKazuya Mishiro
Hiroyuki Yoshioka
Yuji Uchida
Ttsunemasa Taguchi
114Considerations on working standard lamps for total luminous flux photometry of LEDsWeidong Qian
Fukashi Ogata
Fusao Hoshino
Masataka Takiue
Kohtaro Kohmoto
115Lifetime estimation of high power LEDs for lightingShinya Ishizaki
Hideyoshi Kimura
Masaru Sugimoto
116Examination of distance that can be communicate by visual light communicationToshiya Iwakiri
Tomoyuki Fukuda,Osamu Ohkawachi
117LED lighting design in architectural space
-Possibility to high power LED General lighting-
Shinya Matsukawa
Yuko Yorimoto
Yoshitaka Tanaka
118Effects of random arrangement of elements on impression of LED assemblyYu Sasaki
Toshihiro Bando
119The development of reduction color unevenness high power LEDs for lightingSatoshi Mori
Koji Nishioka
Masaru Sugimoto
120Optical properties of CdZnS:I orange- and ZnSTe:I white-thin film phosphorsSatoshi Kurai
Naohiko Shinomura
Satoshi Fujii
Norio Tasaki
Yoichi Yamada
Tsunemasa Taguchi
121Discomfort glare caused by LED dot matrix moduleHiroshi Takahashi
Yoshirou Ono
Hiroaki Sakurai
Takashi Irikura
Masahiro Toda
Takayoshi Moriyama
Masami Iwamoto
122Development of light distribution controllable Illumi- nation system using high power LEDJunko Baba
Moriaki Wakaki
Hisashi Asakawa

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Optical Devices and Display

123Research on a possible of nitrogen for mercury-less fluorescent lampKenjiro Toryu
Masafimi Hashimoto
Tatsuya Matsuda
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
124Effects of excited frequency on breakdown voltage in narrow tube lamp using LCD backlightingToshikazu Uehara
Kazuhiro Fukushima
Miki Goto
Toshihiko Arai
125Properties of gas discharge using diamond electrodeHiroshi Nakatsuma
Tsuyoshi Nishikawa
Keishi Yanai
Akimitsu Hatta
126Basic study on MgO electrode material used for liquid crystal display backlightingTakayuki Misu
Miki Goto
Toshihiko Arai
127Study on MgO films for electrode material in liquid crystal display backlightingMasanori Sugimoto
Takayuki Misu
Miki Goto
Toshihiko Arai
128Study on CVD diamond films for electrode material in liquid crystal display backlightingSatoshi Yamaguchi
Masahiko Murakami
Takayuki Misu
Miki Goto
Toshihiko Arai
129EL device of nanocrystalline silicon driven at low voltageKazuya Tatsuta
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri
130Evaluation of characteristics of a white luminescence inorganic EL elementKoji Koura
Keita Murakami
Yoshiyuki Ishihara
Toshiyuki Todaka
Tamon Uezawa

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Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry

131High-accuracy spectral responsivity calibration based on cryogenic radiometerIchino Yoshiro
Terubumi Saito
Ichiro Saito
132Evaluation of V(λ)-detector for LEDs measurementKenji Godo
Terubumi Saito
Hiroshi Shitomi
Ichiro Saito
133Development of the measuring system of the luminous intensity distribution and the total luminous flux of LEDs on TIRIToshihide Iwanaga
Tetsuo Yamamoto
134Development of the spectral diffuse reflectance standard in the UV and near-IR region (1)
-Refinement of the reference spectrophotometer for extending the calibration wavelength range �
Hiroshi Shitomi
Ichiro Saito

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Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry

135The basic research on energy saving of saury fishing light using LEDsKunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Kenichi Fukuchi
Tamotsu Okamoto
Satoshi Kobayashi
Masahiro Moniwa
Kimio Sasa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
136Development of LED panel for the fishing lightHirotaka Yoshino
Satoshi Kobayashi
Masahiro Moniwa
Kimio Sasa
Kunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Kenichi Fukuchi
Tamotsu Okamoto
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
137Transmission properties in sea water in LED panel for fishing lightTamotsu Okamoto
Kunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Kenichi Fukuchi
Kouichi Hosogane
Satoshi Kobayashi
Masahiro Moniwa
Kimio Sasa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
138Illuminance distribution of fishing light of the LED multipanel systemMasahiro Moniwa
Satoshi Kobayashi
Kimio Sasa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Kunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Tamotsu Okamoto
Tamotsu Okamoto
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
139Comparison between LED multi panels and conventional incandescent lamps for fishing lightKenichi Fukuchi
Kunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Tamotsu Okamoto
Satoshi Kobayashi
Masahiro Moniwa
Kimio Sasa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
140The hybrid fishing light system of LED multipanel system and conventional systemSatoshi Kobayashi
Masahiro Moniwa
Kimio Sasa
Hirotaka Yoshino
Kunio Takahashi
Hiroshi Ohsawa
Kenichi Fukuchi
Tamotsu Okamoto
Hiroyoshi Ishikawa
Makoto Harada
Kenji Asakura
Hiromitsu Ishii
141Applications for medical lighting using incandescent light white LED and greenish white LEDKatsuya Kobashi
Tsunemasa Taguchi
142Development and evaluation of solar UV-B radiometer for personal dosimetryShu Takeshita
Masako Sasaki
143Effects of the light and heat from the moving high-pressure sodium lamp on the growth of the pot plant of a flowerMasaki Ishiwata
Akihide Kudou
Toshihiro Tazawa, \Satoshi Shindou
Yoshihisa Ishii
Hitoshi Watanabe
Yasuo Ura
144Luminescent nanocrystalline silicon as biomaterialsSatoshi Yanagisawa
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri
145Stability of luminescence on DLC coated nanocrystalline siliconTetsuya Matsumoto
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri

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New Application of Optical Radiation

146Identification of the type of an airplane by a semiconductor laser rader systemNobutaka Suzuki
Kei Okamoto
Masaya Mogi
Koichi Ikeda
147Sterilized effects of ultraviolet LEDMirei Mori
Akiko Hamamoto
Masayuki Nakano
Masatake Akutagawa
Akira Takahashi
Toshitaka Ikehara
Yosuke Kiuchi
148Three-dimensional shapes measurement using optical patterns projectionYoshihisa Uchida
He Yan
Katsumi Tsujioka
Shuntaro Higa
Yoshiyuki Uchida
149Basic study on detection of oil-water by camer imageNaotaka Ikemoto
Tetsuji Yamada

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Presentations by Members of the China Illuminating Engineering Society

150Study of a luminaire with photo-catalytic coatingShaolong Zhu
Bingyan Huangfu
Ijuan Liu
151A characteristic parameters method in urban landscape lightingHaitian Zhao
152Mercury-free metal halide lampZhengming Yang
Guangyi Gao
Ming Zhan
Guosheng Chai
153The design and research of the field lighting system of national stadium of BeijingBinghua Lee Chris
Yuqing Wang
Mingdong Ma
Zhanzeng Li
Zhensheng Wang


Lighting for Crime Prevention and Safety

S01Street lighting for crime prevention and safetyTadashi Doi
S02Public safety actions by Osaka PrefectureShinji Tamura
S03Report of visual evaluation experiment for security lightingMichico Iwata
S04Security lighting and problem as street crime preventionShuji Sudani
Koujirou Yoshikawa
Yoshinori Tanabe
S05Blue light of prevention maker your town safe and peaceful
-Deterrent effects by complex crime prevention measures-
Takashi Nitaki
S06Trend of urban lighting for crime preventionToshinari Matsui

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Forefront of Measurement Utilizing Infrared Radiation

S07Preliminary talkTamaki Yaji
S08Optical coherence domain mid-infrared spectroscopyHiroaki Ishizawa
Masateru Kobayasi
Takeshi Tanaka
S09Infrared spectroscopic sensing of food and agricultural informationAtsushi Hashimoto
Takaharu Kameoka
Mikihito Kanou
Ken-ichiro Suehara
Hiroshi Ehara
Hideo Shimazu
S10Non detructive evaluation method of agricultural products by near infrared method
-Technical perspectives from hardware of NIR instruments-
Tsutomu Okura
S11Effects of the night lighting of street light on growth and yield in riceHaruhiko Yamamoto
Kiyoshi Iwata
Natsuki Inoue
S12Various areas of irradiance measurement application in the far-infrared regionsYoshitaka Kimura
Tamaki Yaji
S13Green area survey using color infrared imagery by airborne digital mapping camera
-Case study in Shinagawa City-
Yukio Akamatsu
Yoko Hirose
Hideaki Sakurai
Akihiko Ikeda
S14The current status and future thermographyJiro Ohta
S15Environment evaluation of urban(Sendai City) with infrared spectroscopy of satellite imageMasanari Taniguchi

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New Application of LEDs and Technical Trends of White LED Lighting

-Research trend and world affairs in LED lighting-
Tsunemasa Taguchi
S17LED visible light communicationMasao Nakagawa
S18Novel utilization of LED in horticulture and fisheryKensho Okamoto
S19Power supply for LED lightingKeiichi Shimizu
S20High performance white LED lighting and the application for general lightingMasaru Sugimoto
Ryoji Yakotani
Youji Urano
S21Technology and application of making white LED to high outputMasayoshi Kanamori
Sadato Imai
S22Technical challenges for high power white LEDsTomonari Ishikawa
S23Report of color rendering white LED lighting technology
-A fluorescent substance-
Yukihiro Narihira
Akio Kanemori