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The Report on the 5th Lux Pacifica Conference


Chairman of the Lux Pacifica Committee in Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan

1. Introduction

Lux Pacifica is the Conference of the Pacific Rim lighting societies. The Lux Pacifica has the goals of assisting developing countries and emphasizing that good lighting design based on science and engineering is important.
The member lighting societies of Lux Pacifica are:

Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia & New Zealand
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
China Illuminating Engineering Society
Indian Society of Lighting Engineers
Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia
Illuminating Engineering Association of Thailand

The first Lux Pacifica was held in 1989 in Shanghai, with successive conferences being in Bangkok in 1993, Nagoya in 1997 and New Delhi in 2002 (rather than 2001). The 5th Lux Pacifica Conference in 2005 was hosted by Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand. This important regional conference was held in Cairns in Far North Queensland, Australia, from 24 to 26 July 2005. The theme of the conference was "Towards a sustainable lighting future", giving plenty of scope to cover most topics in lighting art and science. Lighting designers, researchers, educators, engineers, etc were invited to present papers on examples of good design, experimental results on science, engineering, etc. An interesting social and accompanying person's program complemented the scientific and design sessions.

2. International Organization Committee

The officials that were appointed at the meeting of the International Organizing Committee held July 24 and 25, 2005 are listed in Table 1. The Lux Pacifica chair was consecutively assumed by Dr. Warren Julian, and I, as a representative of Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, was appointed vice-chairman.
Henceforth, we will work toward the 6th Lux Pacifica Conference to be held in 2009 with the International Organizing Committee listed in Table 1. There are two candidates for the next host country, Russia (preferably in a Pacific Rim city) and Thailand. The International Organizing Committee invites those researchers, engineers and designers who read this paper to participate in the 6th Lux Pacifica Conference to be held in 2009.
The next meeting of International Organizing Committee will be held in 2007 in Beijing, at the location of the next CIE conference.

Table1 Lux Pacifica International Orgnization Committee (2005:Cairns Conference)

Functions Countries Names Societies
Chairman Australia Warren Julian Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand
Vice Chairman Japan Hajimu Nakamura Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
Committee member U.S.A James Jewell Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
Committee member India Hari Mamak Indian Society of Lighting Engineers
Committee member China Liu Shiping China Illuminating Engineering Society
Committee member Thailand Jamnarn Hokierti Illuminating Engineering Association of Thailand
Committee member Russia Gennady Shakhparunyants Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia

3. Preparation for the 5th Lux Pacifica Conference

The members of the Lux Pacifica Committee selected in the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan in 2005 for the 5th Lux Pacifica Conference are as follows:

Chairman: Hajimu NAKAMURA (Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.)
Executive officer: Yoshiki NAKAMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Members: Naoyuki OI (Kyushu University)
Shigeko KITAMURA (Mukogawa Women's University)
Shino OKUDA (Hiroshima International University)
Yuki AKIZUKI (Ritsumeikan University)
Hidenori KAKEHASHI (Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.)
Masanari TANIGUCHI (Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University)

In October 2004, the first announcement of the conference was published from IESANZ on the website. In November 2004, conference information and call for paper (in Japanese and English) and were published on the website of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan. They were also published on the December 2004 and January 2005 issues of the Journal of Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan. The application period for abstracts ended in January 2005. In February, the selection results were sent to the applicants. The numbers of abstracts selected from Japan are classified by field of research and listed in Table 2.

Table2 The number of abstracts submitted by each topics from Japan

Thereafter, the application period for full paper closed in April. The papers were reviewed by Lux Pacifica committee members. We requested some applicants apply corrections to their papers. Then, the corrected papers were printed and sent to the International Organizing Committee in May. The results of selection by the International Organizing Committee were received by the applicants in June.