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  • Papers Presented at 2005 Annual Conference of IEI-J , July 14-15

Papers Presented at 2005 Annual Conference of IEI-J , July 14-15

1. Date
  Thursday 14th and Friday 15th, July 2005
2. Place
  Kanazawa Institute of Technology
7-1 Ougigaoka Nonoichi-machi, Ishikawa-gun, Ishikawa Pref., Japan
3. Program
Thursday 14, 9:20-10:40
  Short presentation of poster papers at Building 8
  (1) Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.98-112) at Room 8-201
  (2) Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.113-128) at Room 8-204
  (3) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon(I),
Luminaires (Paper No.21-31)
at Room 8-301
  (4) Lighting Planning (Paper No.61-69),
Lighting Practice (Paper No.75),
Lighting Design (paper No.80),
Visual Psychology and Physiology(Paper No. 129- 130)
at Room 8-304
  (5) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry (Paper No.156- 159),
New Application of Optical Radiation (Paper No. 170-173)
at Room 8-504
  (6) Optical Devices and Display (Paper No.137- 147) at Room 8-308
Thursday 14, 9:20-18:00
  Poster Session for the above poster papers at 4th floor of Building 8
(10:50-12:10 Discussion time for the poster papers)
Thursday 14, 13:00-17:50
  Speccial program and symposium at Room 101 of Building 5
  (1) 13:00-13:25 Special Program
  (2) 13:25-15:25 Special Lectures
  (3) 15:35-17:50
Symposium "Disaster Prevention Lighting Considering Recent Earthquake Disaster"
(Paper No.201-205)
Thursday 14, 18:00-20:15( Building 6, 3F )
  Award ceremony and fellowship reception at 3rd floor of Building 6
  (1) 18:00-18:30 Award Ceremony
  (2) 18:30-20:15 Fellowship Reception
Friday 15, 9:00-12:30
  General and special sessions at Building 8
  (1) Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.81-86) at Room 8-201
  (2) Lighting Planning (Paper No.51-60) at Room 8-204
  (3) Japan-China Friendship Inveited Lectures (Paper No.1-4)
at Room 8-301 [10:30-12:00]
  (4) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenome- non (I) Luminaires (Paper No.5-14)
at Room 8-304
  (5) Industrial Application of Radiation and Radio- metry (Paper No.160-167) at Room 8-504
Friday 15, 9:00-12:30
  Symposium "Application of LEDs to Lighting" (Paper No.206-212)
at Room 8-501 of Building 8
(11:30-12:00 Discussion time for the poster papers)
Friday 15, 13:30-18:00
  General sessions at Building 8
  (1) Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.87-97)
at Room 8-201
  (2) Lighting Theory (Paper No.40-43)
Lighting Planning (Paper No.44-50)
at Room 8-204
  (3) Lighting Practice (Paper No.70-74)
Lighting Design (Paper No.76-79)
at Room 8-301
  (4) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenome- non (I) (Paper No.15-20)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenome-non (II) (Paper No.32-39)
at Room 8-304
  (5) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry (Paper No.148-155)
New Application of Optical Radiation (Paper No.168-169)
at Room 8-504
  (6) Optical Devices and Display (Paper No.131-136)
at Room 8-308
4. Papers presented
1Evolution of the China urban lighting Li Nong
2 Lighting design for DINOSAURS PARK tropical botanical pavilion in Changzhou, CHINA Yan Hua
Yoshiyuki Ueda
Xu Dongliang
3The reseach of green lighting design for the living environment in TianjinMa Jian
Rong Haiyan
Shao Ligang
Liu Bei
4 A new light pollution concrption Zhao Hai-tian
Yuan Lei
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (I):
Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps, Luminaires
Study on miniaturization and improvement in starting up characteristic of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps
Akira Takahashi
Tamotsu Ando
Shogo Takahashi
Development of the self-ballasted compact fluo- rescent lamps replacing 100W type incandes- cent lamps
Takeo Yasuda
Tetsuya Oono
Shinya Hakuta
The development of the high wattage compact fuluorescent lamp without amalgam
Keigo Iwase
Takashi Osawa
Development of high power compact fluorescent lamps
Yusuke Okazaki
Akio Kitada
Yoshio Manabe
Toru Higashi
The development of T5 square-shaped fluorescent Lamps
Ichiro Yamada
Masahiko Yoshida
Kiyoshi Otani
Investigation of the protective layer in T5 square- shaped fluorescent lamps
Yusuke Shibahara
Kiyoshi Nishimura
Masahiro Izumi
Development of the luminaires for environmentally conscious using the square fluorescent lamp
Yoshiko Fujii
Satoshi Watanabe
Development of fluorescent lamp with reduced UV radiation
Masunori Tokunaga
Takehisa Kobayashi
Hirohisa Kunimi
Electrode characteristic of fluorescent lamp under dimmer controlling
Yoshio Watanabe
Mineko Ootani
An investigation of a power factor correction circuit without use of wound devices
Yuuji Takahashi
Investigation of phosphor layer for low frequency electrodeless fluorescent lamp system
Kazuhiko Sakai
Shigeki Matsuo
Kohji Hiramatsu
Atsunori Okada
Effect of power coupler factor on luminous flux for low frequency electrodeless lamps
Hiroshi Ogasawara
Ryusuke Ura
Hidenori Kakehashi
A study of control method for electronic ballast for electrodeless lamp
Akira Nakajo
Shingo Masumoto
Shinji Makimura
Hiroshi Kido
Development of cold cathode flurescent lamp with UV-cut film
Kenji Yamada
Nozomu Hashimoto
Kazuhiro Matsuo
Nitrogen as a possible substitution for mercury for fluorescent lamps
Masafumi Jinno
Yuuji Hazata
Shuji Takubo
Hideki Motomura
Developing CCFL inverter with ballast at primary side
Hiroshi Shinmen
Robert Weger
Shingo Suzuki
21 Characteristic evalution of cluster lumines cence
-Charactristic of molybdenum cluster radiation-
Kazuya Kondo
Seishi Sekine
Masashi Ohkawa
Constructing of light engine lighting system and the making to highly effective
-Examination of system configuration and use material-
Kazuya Tomiyama
Seishi Sekine
Masashi Ohkawa
One dimensional model mercury-argon one dimensional fluorescent lamp
Shigeki Taniguchi
Loo Ka Hong
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
Plasma measurement of mercury free fluo- rescent lamp by laser absorption spectroscopy
Terukazu Matsugi
Masahiro Okamoto
Hisayoshi Kurokawa
Hideki Motomura
25 The diagnostic of pulsed xenon discharge fluorescent lamp Yuko Imai
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
26 Light source using electroderess discharge Ryoji Miki
Yuki Narukawa
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
27 Mode transition in xenon ICP discharge lamp Ahmad Nazri Dagang
Shuji Inui
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
28 Study on the plasma characteristics of electrode-less lamp Satoshi Nimata
Tadao Uetsuki
Analysis of charge-pump electronic ballast for electrodeless fluorescent lamp
Hirofumi Takaki
Shohei Yamamoto
Hidenori Kakehashi
Tamotsu Ninomiya
30 Circuit and operation of a neutral point type step-down inverter Masaaki Nakamura
Yoshito Kato
Nobuo Takahashi
Ichiro Yokozeki
Development of spiral Pa-lookball for dimmers
-Development of compact fluorescent lamp can use with dimmers-
Yuji Tsuneto
Masayoshi Gyoten
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II):
HID Lamps
Development of flash lamp having high radiant efficiency in short-wavelength range
- High ultraviolet rays radiation style flash lamp report, the 1 -
Kazuhiro Shiraishi
Chikako Ichimura
Kouichi Tamai
Akihiko Tauchi
Kazuhiko Yoshikawa
Development of flash lamp having high radiant efficiency in short-wavelength range
- High ultraviolet rays radiation style flash lamp report-the 2 -
Akihiko Tauchi
Chikako Ichimura
Syouhei Maeda
Kazuhiko Yoshikawa
Influence of plural loads on rupture of the sealed parts in super high pressure Mercury discharge lamps
Masahiko Kase
Toshiyuki Sawa
35 The new retrofit type metal halide lamps Hiroyuki Ogata
Hisashi Watanabe
Satoshi Iwasawa
Makoto Bessho
Katsuya Otani
Shinji Inukai
Development of 250W ceramic metal halide lamp with high efficiency and high color rendition
Shinji Atago
Hisashi Honda
Katsuya Otani
Bernhard Freisinger
Development of electronics ballast for ceramic metal halaide lamp
Hideo Kozuka
Masahiko Kamata
Hiroshi Terasaka
38Development of dimmable ceramic metal halide lamp Koji Yoshida
Hideaki Kurihara
Akiyoshi Maehara
Hiroyuki Hayakawa
Dimming of the metal halide lamps by using the electronic ballast
Kazutoshi Mita
Yoshitaka Kenmotsu
Yoshihisa Umezawa
Lighting Theory
40The lighitng requrements for backlight signs Shigetsugu Sumiyama
Takashi Saito
Kiyoshi Morimura
Masako Shibaike
41 Lighting requirements for home-theater Takashi Saito
Kazuo Nakagoshi
Tsuyoshi Hino
Wataru Iwai
42Total revealing power of the tunnel interior lighting Hayato Ito
Sho'etsu Sakamoto
Kazuyuki Ooya
Satoshi Hirakawa
43 Visibility experiment of the color obstacles in the tunnel Junji Yamamoto
Seiji Kobayashi
Lighting Planning
44The study of long-span tunnel lighting Shunsuke Kohko
Wataru Nagai
Mitushi Funada
45Study on luminance contrast in road lighting Takuji Uozumi
Shunsuke kohko
Yoshiki Nakamura
Survey on reduction effect of traffic accident by intersection lighting
Takashi Kawai
Osamu Minoshima
Keiichi Ikehara
Nozomu Mori
A study on the perception of lighting fluctuation in a dim environment
Toshinari Matsui
Kaoru Ibara
Manabu Inoue
Illuminance at nighttime and environment in installed area of street lighting, Bouhan-tou, for preventing crime in Mie University
Katsusuke Murakami
Yasuyuki Monda
Yoshinari Morio
Ken-Ichi Miyaji
49Study on low-vision people to walk at nighttime Takahisa Miyazaki
Kumiko Taniuchi
Takaya Misumi
Yasutsugu Nitta
Hiroto Inoi
Yasuyuki Matsumoto
Junichi Fujita
Yasuhiro Kodaira
Yoshihiro Toyama
Atsushi Harada
Study on the physical change of visual stimulus in fire smoke, Part 2 -The calculation model for luminance distribution in the evacuee's view taking into account of smoke adherence-
Yuki Akizuki
Hidekazu Suzuki
Takeyoshi Tanaka
Tsuneto Tsuchihashi
Preference on illuminance and color temper- ature of interior for various behavior settings
Naoyuki Oi
Nana Tomimatsu
Basic study on the faculties of windows related to visual factor in the family room in houses
-Part 3. Effect of the constituent elements of the outside view on the evaluation of windows-
Shino Okuda
Ryuji Satoh
53 Inquiries on actual state concerning lightng of living room Noriyasu Furue
Kazumi Nakayama
Takako Kitajima
Study on interactive effects between color of wall and color of light on atmosphere and apparent brightness of space and color discrimination ability
Kazumi Nakayama
Masato Sato
Migiwa Haikata
Evaluations of propriety for the living act in the luminous living room
Miwako Tokura
Yasuhiro Miki
Susumu Matsushita
Wataru Iwai
Hideo Asada
Hirotaka Suzuki
Basic study on the distributed multiple-lamp arrangement in the residential lighting
Yasuhiro Miki
Miwako Tokura
Susumu Matsushita
Hideo Asada
Hirotaka Suzuki
Luminous environment evaluation of the task and ambient lighting system using LED's
Toshihide Mori
Wataru Iwai
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Kiyoshi Morimura
Masako Shibaike
58Lighting plan by 3D CG lighting simulation Noritoki Yasui
Yoshitaka Shinnai
Masataka Kubo
Atsushi Koshin
Construction of simultaneous multi-points illuminance measurement system for evalu- ation of the perception of luminous classroom environments using liquid crystal projector (4)
Yoshikazu Araki
Masayuki Sakano
60The effects of reflection of direct sunlight on daylight factor Etsuko Mochizuki
Yasuko Koga
The effect of the lighting method on the apparent brightness and the illuminance for relaxation
-The case of the luminous ceiling and the point source of light-
Maki Nishimura
Kyoko Ishida
Youko Inoue
The effect of action on the apparent brightness and the illuminance for relaxation
-Relaxing oneself in the room and talking at ease with another person-
Kyoko Ishida
Maki Nishimura
A study on lighting techniques for steps in public spaces (Part3)
-Evaluation for four light fixtures by low vision people, elderly people, and the youth
Yuka Yoshimura
Michico Iwata
Yasuaki Mokude
Toshinari Matsui
64Influence of scene and its brihtness on evaluation of visual environment Takumi Oogami
Naoya Hara
Tarow Noguti
65 Calculation of discomfort glare controlled by window screen Daisuke Ito
66Study on lighting environment and impression formation in commercial spaces comparison between real space experiment and photo graph panel experiment of which index is UGR Kazuki Sasai
Masanori Okamoto
Satoru Kuno
Masayuki Harada
Yoshinori Saito
67Correcting the sky luminance distribution around the sun and its application to the daylighting simulation Koichi Kobayashi
Nozomu Yoshizawa
Minoru Inamura
Hitoshi Takeda
68A fundemental study of measurement illumi- nation vector Jun Tomoishi
Naoyuki Oi
Takaoki Maeyama
Atushi Okubo
Lighting Practice
Research on lighting requirement for intersection lighting -Illuminance and the lighting position
Osamu Minoshima
Nozomu Mori
Takasi Kawai
70Lighting repaired of Nashitani tunnel Hiroyuki Konno
Mitsuji Okamoto
71 Lighting facilities of wide span tunnel illumination Yasushi Kurokawa
Hiroaki Hattori
Example of setting up wall windmill "Ecocarten" in Asnal KANAYAMA
Hisaki Itsuki
Mikiya Inui
73 Lighting of ODAKYU super express " RO- MANCECAR VSE" Mayumi Usami
Yutaka Hashimoto
Keisuke Ono
Kiyoteru Kosa
74 Development of the LED lighting equipment for railway cars Akiko Kanemoto
Yoko InoueKeisuke Ono
Sigeru Oosawa
Masaru Inoue
Lighting Design
Lighting event in the center areas of Kanazawa city Tsukimi-kouro
Emi Higashide
Shinya Itou
Tatsuya Amano
Yoshio Takechi
Kaori Soeno
76Lighting plan of Samurai houses area lighting for twilight Takao Nakahara
Study on meanings of comfortable lighting in a living room -Comparison between the eldery and the youth
Masato Sato
Kohei Yamaoka
Kazumi Nakayama
78An effect of lights designing on graphic and spatial education Hirotaka Suzuki
79 Lighting design of Toyota city axis Reiko Chikada
Sachi Inada
80 Considerations on creation of the urban lightscape design in Paris Mayuka Abe
Miwa Ozato
Tetsuo Yamaya
Visual Psychology and Physiology
Study on the effects of adaptation levels on visibility and bright-dark sensation
Toshie Iwata
Daisuke Itoh
Kei-ichi Chiba
Relationship between a space brightness and the border luminance of color appearance mode
Hideki Yamaguchi
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Practical application of space brightness evaluation using the border luminance of color appearance mode
Masayuki Iguchi
Wataru Iwai
Masafumi Fujino
Hideki Yamaguchi
Hiroyuki Shinoda
84Contrast effect of colors and textures used for living environment -Part.1 Variation on subjective contrast of textures along with incident angle- Shigeko Kitamura
Masami Kono
Naoya Hara
Haruyo Ohno
Tarow Noguchi
Contrast effect of colors and textures used for living environment
-Part2. Subjective contrast of the visual perception of chromatic targets on the N7 background-
Masami Kono
Shigeko Kitamura
Naoya Hara
Haruyo Ohno
Tarow Noguchi
Study on the impression inside the room by daylighting through Top-light Part1
Akiko Kanemoto
Youko Inoue
87 Evaluation of white LED module for lighting Masahiro Toda
Akiko Nakanishi
Hirohisa Yaguchi
88Evaluation of color appearance of LED light sources Daisaku Morino
Hirohisa Yaguchi
Takayoshi Moriyama
Optimum number of display colors which considered illuminant level in the case of LED display
Mamoru Takamatsu
Youichi Takahashi
Yoshio Nakashima
Santarou Nakajima
Ken-ichi Mima
Effect of color lighting in a room - Experiment with the indoor model which RGB light emitting diode
Yoshiko Fukuda
Akihiro Tamura
91Discomfort glare caused by white LED light sourcesTeppei Kasahara
Daisuke Aizawa
Takashi Irikura
Takayoshi Moriyama
Masahiro Toda
Masami Iwamoto
Quantitative evaluation of perceived whiteness under different illumination
Ichiro Katayama
Kazuyoshi Masumi
Tsutomu Aoki
Study on the affection of background luminance on the area effect of color -Case of the value and chroma of chromatic color
Michico Iwata
Hiroyuki Terano
94 Evaluation of the default blue unvisited link color visibility Daisuke Saito
Keiichi Saito
Masao Saito
A study on changing of glare assessment by the posture "The comparative experiment on reclining, learning and sitting posture"
Jeong Sinwon
Jun Munakata
Kotaroh Hirate
Luminance distribution on luminous surface of signboard
-Attempt of evaluation experiment by appearance-
Akira Uchida
Yoshihiko Ohtani
97 The shadow for feeling the impression of light Mika Kato
Mayuko Kimura
Yoshimi Kanamaru
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
Fundamental study on appropriate illumina- tion to historical constructions
Qiuye Yang
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yosio Nakajima
Research on selection of the street landscape in Toyama -The scene of day and night
Hiroyuki Kono
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
100 Evaluation on color rendering effect on landscape lighting Hiroshi Yamazaki
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
101Mental effect by the color solution -In case of a bath salts Lanhui Qian
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Sunao Fujii
Yukinori Saeki
Hiroyuki Miyamoto
Toshie Mikami
102Color vision in the small visual angels in peripheral vision Keita Kumaki
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
103Appearance of object color when the adaptation of eyes shifted from light adaptation to dark adaptation Shu Jiang
Kazuo Sendai
Yoshitaka Hirai
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
104 Study on limits of binocular colour fusion Xiaolin Qin
Shinji Nohara
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
105 Binocular disparity limits in three-dimensional display systems Damin Qin
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
The influence of auditory information on visual information processing
Syoji Inada
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Kazuhiro Sassa
107 Visual characteristic of color LED light in dense fog Kuriniwan Bobsy Arief
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Research on visual check characteristic and the best display brightness of LED lightning signboard
Yuki Ishimura
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Santarou Nakajima
Kenichi Mima
Research on the LED display board for barrier-free which considered elderly people
Syunntarou Matsubara
Megumi Umeno
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yosio Nakashima
Sanntarou NAKAJIMA
Ken-ichi Mima
110 LED traffic signal light which considered people of a low vision Makoto Kaburagi
Mamoru Takamatsu
Yoshio Nakashima
Kenichi Mima
Santarou Nakajima
111Conspicuity of color stimuli using LEDsTakanobu Fujima
Kazuto Hagiwara
Genji Yamamoto
Norihiro Ikeda
Masanori Nagata
Study on visual clarity and preferable impression under the different lighting conditions used on LEDs and fluorescent lamps
Masayo Nishino
Aya Shirai
Sueko Kanaya
Masanori Nagata
113 Haze-filter effect on visual acuity Hidetake Yusa
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Research on acquisition visually displayed information difference in the intensity to transmit textual and graphical information
Motoki Kanou
Shunsuke Nagai
Mika Katou
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
Effects of surrounding area size and luminance on target visivility
Akiko Nakamura
Yoshiki Nakamura
Shunsuke Kouko
Takuji Uozumi
Measurement of luminance contrast threshold in gradation brightness background by using moving target method
Tatsuma Kitazawa
Masayoshi Kamijo
Tsugutake Sadoyama
Shoji Kobayashi
Effect of glare light pattern stimulus on physiological and psychological response
Fukuko Motegi
Masayoshi Kamijo
Tsugutake Sadoyama
Shoji Kobayashi
Proposal of position index of discomfort glare in the whole visual field
Chieko Ishikura
Daisuke Ueyama
Tomokatsu Sawada
Sueko Kanaya
Discomfort glare detecting system using image of luminance distribution
Daisuke Morishita
Yoshiki Nakamura
120 Brightness judgment of observer's space nad observing space Tetsuya Eda
Miyoshi Ayama
121Optical illusion of the moon and brightnrss perception Takehiro Nagai
Keiji Uchikawa
Figure segregation by color grouping from multi-colored background
Takehiro Nagai
Keiji Uchikawa

Estimation of color appearance influenced by simultaneous color contrast

Seiko Ueda
Yoshiki Nakamura
Comparison of perceived colour-differences with colorimetric colour-differences of colour pairs having hue and chroma differences mutually
Satoshi Fujimura
Fuyuki Hosokawa
Toshihiko Masaoka
Masafumi Hashiguchi
Masaharu Nakayama
Koichi Ikeda
125 Influence on the color sense of the color environment in infancy Mayuko Kimura
Ayaka Kuga
Mika Kato
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
Study on preferable combination of interior color and light in a space for relaxing
Mayu Kubota
Toshie Iwata
Nami Shirasu
Relationship between active-calm evaluation and characteristics of lighting spaces
-Evaluation experiment using slide images of actual lighting spaces-
Hidehiro Yamaji
Taiichiro Ishida
128 Visual estimation of surface texture of materialsTaiichiro Ishida
Ari Nakashima
129Evaluation of residential area lighting based on visual psychologyKaoru Koike
Yukihisa Takeda
Eiichiro Momma
Takashi Ono
Hiromitu Ishii
130 Evaluation of elderly people on night streets

Norihito Kurozu
Yasuko Koga

Optical Devices and Display
131Development of high power LED module Tetsushi Tamura
Nobuyuki Matsui
Keiji Nishimoto
Masanori Shimizu
Takeshi Saito
132Development of high power LED modules Toshifumi Ogata
Yoshihiko Kanayama
Kenji Mukai
Masanori Shimizu
Takeshi Saito
133Developement of high power LED module Noriyasu Tanimoto
Kenji Mukai
Masanori Shimizu
Takeshi Saito
Koji Nakatsu
Takeshi Saito
134 Development of high power LED module Nobuyuki Matsui
Tetsushi Tamura
Masumi Abe
Masanori Shimizu
Takeshi Saito
Improvement of light intensity distribution for lighting sources using LEDs
Kenji Honma
Akira Matsui
Takahiro Ayabe
Hironobu Kiyomoto
136Estimating life time of high power white LED Shinya Ishizaki
Hideyoshi Kimura
Masaru Sugimoto
Influence of the electrode materials on the characteristics of the cold cathode fluorescent lamp
Ryota Kitamoto
Tadao Uetsuki
Yuji Takeda
Osamu Fukumasa

Development of mercury free lamp using external electrode (DHEL)

Yusuke Muguruma
Tatuya Matsuda
Syuji Takubo
Hideki Motomura
Mmasafumi Jinno
139 Optimization of pulsed voltage waveform for a barrier discharge lamp with an inner electrode Hidefumi Taniuchi
Masashi Watanabe
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
140 Characteristics of a multi-pairs of electrodes flat lampMasahiro Okamoto
Kenjirou Toryuu
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
141 Fundamental research for new infrared coherent light sources Tadashi Murakami
Hideki Motomura
Masafumi Jinno
Reduction of breakdown voltage of an EEFL by use of a 4-electrode drive
Takashi Asaka
Tomokazu Shiga
Kiyoshi Igaeashi
Shigeo Mikoshiba
Numerical study on Xe pressure dependence of luminous efficacy in flat discharge fluorescent lamps using a non-dimensional positive column model
Taiko Sato
Tomokazu Shiga
Shigeo Mikoshiba
Static characteristics of a drive circuit for LED with constant-current control
Masahiro Nishikawa
Kosuke Morihori
Yoichi Ishizuka
Hirohumi Matsuo
Flexible transparent organic light emitting devices with transparency to visible light when the devices is turned off and light can emit from both top and bottom sides
Shingo Kaneta
Masahiro Ichihara
Hiroki Ishihara
Takayuki Uchida
Takayuki Uchida
Masao Otsuka
Examination concerning basic characteristics of a white inorganic EL element
Koji Koura
Yoshiyuki Ishihara
Toshiyuki Todaka
Tamon Uezawa
Keniti Takasumi
Fabrication of white luminescent glass using nanocrystalline silicon
Yosuke Sasaki
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
148A study of series solution of effective emissivity of a circular cylindrical black body cavity Yoshinari Ishido
Hideyuki Minato
149Realizasion of new distribution temperature scales Ichiro Saito
Kenji Godo
Yoshiro Ichino
Hiroshi Shitomi
150Investigation of LED luminous intensity and total luminous flux measurement KenjiGodo
Yoshiro Ichino
Terubumi Saito
Hiroshi Shitomi
Tatsuya Zama
Ichiro Saito
Measurement of the total luminous flux of LEDs using sphere photometer
Toshihide Iwanaga
Tetsuo Yamamoto
Tetsunori Jitsukawa
Development of measuring method of total luminous flux of LEDs and its application to general illumination
Weidong Qian
Fukashi Ogata
Fusao Hoshino
Masataka Takiue
Kohtaro Kohmoto
Tetsunori Jitsukawa
Toshihide Iwanaga
Development and evaluation of spectral respon- sibility measuring method of photo-detector
Hideyuki Minato
Yoshinari Ishido
Extension of the scale of spectral diffuse re- flectance to low reflectance level
Hiroshi Shitomi
Ichiro Saito
155 Diamond VUV monitor
Hideaki Ishihara
Kenji Nippashi
Hiroki Takahashi
Yoshihisa Shibata
Fumio Suzuki
Kenichirou Ono
Kazuhiro Sakai
Mikihiko Matsuoka
Validity of compensation factors of CIE and CMC color difference formulae
Fuyuki Hosokawa
Satoshi Fujimura
Masafumi Hashiguchi
Toshihiko Masaoka
Masaharu Nakayama
Koichi Ikeda
Estimation of complex refractive index of clusters by Mie-Scattering Ellipsometry
-Examination of meas- urement accuracy of Au particles by Mie-Scattering Ellipsometry-
Yasunari Harada
Seisi Sekine
Masasi Ookawa
158 Optical estimation on the optical radiation absorption layer of carbon nanotubesTakashi Yamaguchi
Masahiko Yamamoto
Tamaki Yaji
Fumio Ohtani
159 Conformity of an existing regressive model to reflection characteristics for pavement materials Yoko Ikegami
Naoya Hara
Tarow Noguchi
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
160 Evaluation of solar UV protectability by dyed fabricsMasako Sasaki
Shu Takeshita
Naoko Sugita
Masako Saito
Analysis of the outer wall reflection of solar radiation and ultraviolet solar radiation irradiation
Masako Shin
Hiroo Tarumi
162A medical of melatonin treatment of the Iris Sibirica by lightingSusumu Aiba
Akira Matsueda
Susumu Motobayashi
Kazuo Sakatani
Effects of blue, red and far-red light on the growth of Lilium x formologi hort
Keiko Katsuta
Yusuke Shibahara
Takayoshi Moriyama
Nobuaki Watanabe
Kouki Kanahama

Cultivation of buckwheat sprouts using LED
-Effect of light qualities on biosynthesis of polyphenols-

Masanobu Kojima
Satoko Shimizu
Shigeki Ikegawa
Kosaku Masuda
Tadayoshi Hayakawa
Effects of the light and the heat from highpressure sodium lamp on the growth of the seedling of a flower
Shinichi Abe
Akihide Kudou
Shinji Naka
Satoshi Shindo
166Evaluation of insect attractiveness by new index Shinichi Aoki
Osamu Kuramitsu
Minoru Ishi
167 Aversive effect of flicker UV-LED in cyprinid fishes
-Aversive effect of flicker UV-LED in fishes-
Taro Matsumoto
Gunzo Kawamura
Takaaki Nishi
New Application of Optical Radiation
Study on 3-dimensional shape and diffuse reflectance measurement of grossy objects
Naotaka Ikemoto
Minoru Isomura
Image characteristic of white LED source of light for medical fields
Katsuya Kobashi
Tsunemasa Taguchi
Fundamental consideration for 3-D figure measurement using double fringe projection
Yukitaka Shinoda
Takuya Tsuchida
Takahiro Yokoi
Takashi Higo
Real-time measurement of wavelength shift for dynamic strain using fiber Bragg Grating
Yukitaka Shinoda
Yusuke Ono
Satoshi Furukawa
Chikako Katano
Yoshitaka Sakumoto
Takashi Higo
A study about plane model of machines distinction by a semiconductor laser radar system
Nobutaka Suzuki
Koiuichi Ikeda


Rcumference measurement of three-dimen- sional shapes using opical patterns projection
Yoshihisa Uchida
Katsumi Tsujioka
Haining Lu
Hideo Furuhashi
Shuntaro Higa
Yoshiyuki Uchida
Disaster Prevention Lighting Considering Recent Earthquake Disaster
Disaster prevention lighting learn from great earthquake disaster
Tadashi Doi
The emergency lighting considering the adaptation of the eye
-The lighting system based on the time characteristic of the luminance difference threshold in dark adaptation transient process-
Youko Inoue
Wataru Iwai
Evacuation lighting, lighting and lighting system for evacuation place of wide area
Shingo Ono
204 Current direction in security lightingYasuko Koga
205 Recent CIE draft of emergency lighting (CIE TC 5-19) Atsuko Tanaka
Application of LEDs to Lighting
206 General remarkas -Application of LESs for illumination-
general illumination -- general remarks
Kohtaro Kohmoto
207 Application for general lighting environment Keiichi Shimizu
The produced lighting by LEDs in the urban environment, and the ideal method of urban lighting environment in the future
Tetsuo Yamaya
209 Growing plants under LED lighting Eiji Goto
210 Control of insect pests using light-emitting diodes(LED) Junji Hirama
211 Application of LEDs to medical lighting Junichi Shimada
212 LED application for automotive lighting
Shigetoshi Kajiyama