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  • Announcement of the 2005(38th)Annual Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Program)

Announcement of the 2005(38th)Annual Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Program)

Date and Place:

July 14 (Thu.) - 15 (Fri.), 2005

Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Abbr. KIT)

7-1 Ougigaoka, Nonoichi-machi, Ishikawa-gun, Ishikawa Pref.  921-8501

Web site: http://www.kanazawa-it.ac.jp


Tokyo (Haneda Airport) - Komatsu Airport (Flight time 1 hour, 11 flights per day)

Tokyo (Narita Airport) - Komatsu Airport (Flight time 1 hour and 15 minutes, one flight per day)

Komatsu Airport - Kanazawa Station (Japan Railways) (55 minutes by airport commuter bus)

Kanazawa Station - KIT (30 minutes by bus) (Get on the bus at the No.8 boarding stop and get off at the bus stop "Kougyo Daigaku-mae") or( 20 minutes by taxi)

Komatsu Airport - KIT (65 minutes by airport commuter bus (Take the bus bound for "Nonoichi Shako-mae" and get off at the bus stop "Kougyo Daigaku-mae")

Osaka Station - Kanazawa Station (2 hours and 27 minutes by R/R) (Express "Raicho" or "Thunderbird")

Outline of Program:
July 14:
Poster sessions 9:20-18:00
( 9:20-10:40  Short presentations)
(10:50-12:10 Discussion time)
Special program (ceremony) 13:00-13:25
Special lectures 13:25-15:25
(Theme:Disaster Prevention Lighting Considering Recent Earthquake Disaster)
Awards ceremony 18:00-18:30
Fellowship reception 18:30-20:15
July 15:
General sessions  9:00-18:00
Japan-China friendship invited lectures 10:30-12:00
Poster sessions  9:00-12:00
(11:30-12:00 Discussion time)
(Theme:Application of LEDs to Lighiting)

(A) Applications are open in principle to individual member of this institute, the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan, and the Information Processing Society of Japan. However, joint presentations with such members and non-members are allowed. Members of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, the China Illuminating Engineering Society , the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, and members of the IEEE are also regarded as members.

(B) Those who do not fall under category (A) may make a special application. (The procedure is the same for domestic and overseas presenters.)

Participation Fee

Category (A) of qualification

Category (B) of qualification

Each includes the participation fee for the conference (auditing) and a copy of the proceeding. Extra copies are not available.

Fellowship reception

Payment by cash can be accepted at Conference Desk on July 14th-15th.

Contact for inquiries:

The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai)
 Attn. Annual Conference Section [In charge: Mr.Shinichi Miyao]

Suitaya Building 3F, 2-8-4 Kanda-Tukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan  101-0048
Telephone: +81-3-5294-0101
FAX: +81-3-5294-0102
E-mail address: committee(at)ieij.or.jp (change "(at)" into "@")
(Weekday 9:00-17:20)